DEV Community

Discussion on: Is it good or bad practice to make developers pay money for his bugs?

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

I never came across such a "strategy" and I am a developer for almost 10 years now.

My opinion on this is clear: such a rule makes things worse and leaves personal evolvement behind!
What do you accomplish with it? Emotionally this causes more mental stress and pressure on the developers which is bad for their well-being (physical health and satisfaction with their work).

Also they will be focused on getting their stuff done without bugs first before helping others out => bad for the team and learning.

What you want to emotionally trigger in the developer are feelings of happiness when there are few bugs.

We do the following:
Bugs are tracked automatically due to Visual Studio Team Services (we can get statistics from there easily). For each iteration until deployment, every developer should not have caused more than 6 bugs. Exceptions are bugs because of unclear specs (this has to be handled in the team that they discuss it before starting dev next time). If this goal is reached, the gets rewarded with a dinner or some other team activities.

Important part: If the goal is not reached, there is no punishment!

This makes the whole team want to reach the goal but no one must be afraid of punishment for not reaching it and the communication between us is better than before.