DEV Community

Discussion on: Has Stack Overflow Become An Antipattern?

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Victor Darkes

This is a good article. I have never contributed to StackOverflow because I feel like just about every question has been asked, and any question I could answer has been answered. I personally like don't want to reinvent the wheel and if I can gain insight on how to tackle a common problem with easy then I'm all for it. Sometimes the solutions are things I would've never come up with by myself or any sort of documentation reading or tutorials would have got me to. I personally like that duplicates are marked and just have links to another discussion because there's a defacto discussion for a problem instead of me trying to find out if all the 10 discussions on the topic say the same thing. To me a downvote signals it's not a quality answer and I feel like to me it isn't abused. Ever answer I've seen severely downvoted is because the person answering didn't read the question or isn't providing any value. I do feel that I've seen some of the accepted answers that aren't the best answer. However, your article sheds a whole new light for me on the politics of the community. Nice read!