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Discussion on: Daily Challenge #151 - Reverse Parentheses

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Kermit Alexander II • Edited

Here's my solution in Python 3, should work in linear time with respect to the length of the input string (edit: should work in O(n) space with respect to input length as well):

edit #2: corrected some spelling/grammar in the code, still functionally the same

edit #3: whoops - I read the original kata and realized I misunderstood how nested strings should be merged; I've corrected the code and ensured the output lines up with the expected output from the original kata

#!/usr/bin/env python3

def reverseInParens(string):
    """Reverse a given string as per daily challenge #151 
    # the basic idea is simple: keep a stack of strings representing the paren-delimited
    # parts of our input - for instance, given the string h(le)lo, by the time we parse e,
    # our stack looks like:
    # 1 - "el"
    # 0 - "h"
    # every time we encounter an lparen, we add a new entry into the stack, and
    # every time we encounter an rparen, we merge the newest entry on the stack with the
    # one directly behind it with a pair of parens, so going back to our previous example,
    # after parsing the rparen, our stack looks like this:
    # 0 - h(el)
    # adding characters is as simple as recognizing whether we should add in normal or
    # reverse order to the newest entry in the stack, which is as simple as seeing if
    # the index of the newest entry is odd - if it is, we add in reverse order, whereas
    # if it's odd, we add in normal order
    output_stack = [""]
    stack_index = 0
    for ch in string:
        if ch == "(":
            # add an empty string to our stack
            stack_index += 1
        elif ch == ")":
            # pop the last-added string and merge it with the one prior
            current_string = output_stack.pop()
            stack_index -= 1
            built_string = "(" + current_string + ")"
            # the below line did not take into account at which end of the prior string
            # our last-added string should be merged with
            # output_stack[stack_index] += "(" + current_string + ")"
            if stack_index % 2 == 1:
                output_stack[stack_index] = built_string + output_stack[stack_index]
                output_stack[stack_index] += built_string
            if stack_index % 2 == 1:
                # add in reverse order if we're on an odd number of parens, as
                # per the challenge
                output_stack[stack_index] = ch + output_stack[stack_index]
                # we're on an even number of parens/no parens, add the character
                # in non-reversed order (i.e, the order that the input string
                # already has)
                output_stack[stack_index] += ch
    # the final finished string is at index 0 of output_stack
    return output_stack.pop()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(reverseInParens("a ((d e) c b)"))
    print(reverseInParens("one (two (three) four)"))
    print(reverseInParens("one (ruof ((rht)ee) owt)"))