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Discussion on: How much JavaScript should I be familiar with before getting into React?

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Hi Miguel. I'd like to use this analogy.

Kind of like you don't know have to everything about English to speak English, you can learn just enough to be able to "speak JavaScript" to get started.

The more you know inner workings of JavaScript, the more you will be able to know but not necessary to "get into React".

stereobooster profile image
stereobooster • Edited

Three time this. I don't get this vibe (which I see not first time): "you need to learn thing A before you start to learn thing B".

In reality I keep learning constantly. It would be nice to have roadmap, but sometimes it is hard to predict what would you need next.

The confusing part of React, is not React (in my opinion), but ecosystem. You may be confused by bundlers (webpack, parcel), by JSX. So demystify those you can try to write react application without it - old school html and script tag. Nobody would write real life application that way, but at least you would understand how it works without tooling.

In order to work with React you need to understand (at least): functions (as values), closures, variable scopes, event loop, immutable operations (there are no native immutable data structures, but people workaround using spread operator).

As well, you can try to build your own react or build hooks from scratch.

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim • Edited

Nice one 🙂👋, @stereobooster for the well explained reply

miguelrodoma95 profile image
Miguel Rodriguez

Hey, thanks a lot to both of you! My plan was to start with React tutorials and toy projects right now but I read some stuff of people saying that I should not get into frameworks before really knowing JS.

Getting into it now and learning as I build stuff sounds practical and really good for me.

Thanks guys!