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Discussion on: Aliases: Making the command line your friend

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Donald Feury • Edited

I made a couple recently while working on a Rails project.

# reload zsh config
alias reload!='RELOAD=1 source $HOME/.zshrc'

# rails
alias rgs='rails g scaffold'
alias rgmo='rails g model'
alias rgmi='rails g migration'
alias rgv='rails g view'
alias rgj='rails g job'

# rake/rails
alias rdbm='rake db:migrate'

# tmux
alias ta='tmux a'
alias tls='tmux ls'
alias tat='tmux a -t'
alias tns='tmux new -s'
alias tsync='tmux setw synchronize-panes'

I have the reload alias because I find myself tweaking my dotfiles frequently while working.