DEV Community

Discussion on: Dealing With Ignorance/Bigotry In The Workplace

cubiclebuddha profile image
Cubicle Buddha

Please let us know how it worked out with your supervisor. I’m sorry that you’ve had to endure that. Word choice is an unfortunate debate that I can’t ever seem to win even though I have fought to hard and often to prevent people from using “the R word.” (Dr. Cox from Scrubs explaining the R word). People always seem to have silly responses like “oh would you prefer that I just say, “that song is so intellectually disabled?” No, try to be more creative and descriptive. How about, “that song is repetitive and the lyrics are vapid.”

Anyway, this is me commiserating. Best of luck, and I hope that you can make a good change.

katieadamsdev profile image
Katie Adams

You're completely right, and that campaign is fantastic. I can't believe I've not seen it before. The responses make it so much harder to combat, right? It completely belittles the justified feelings that people hurt by the word may experience. Power to you in your fight; I'll seek to be an ambassador with you. :)