DEV Community

Discussion on: How I remember everything I learn

ctsstc profile image
Cody Swartz

Does anyone remember the guy who made a big query tool for his huge memory collection? I forget what the memory tool is called, it was some old old device someone invented. I think it was showcasing Ember, so it was a while back. It was fascinating because he could verify memories like checking against what the weather was that day to verify it did actually rain according to weather services. Or he had a query language like: music during:#roadTrip2007 with:@friendName

I've been wanting to find that video again, but the irony of my memory failing me 😂

aurelio profile image
Aurelio • Edited


I never heard of it. This sounds hilarious but also genuinely interesting. Let's see how my Google skills are, I'll try and find it.

If anyone knows it please post a link!

ctsstc profile image
Cody Swartz

I've tried a few times and had no luck : (
I was wondering if maybe it is in the old Ember documentation or some old ember blog post that doesn't exist anymore : \

joellau profile image
Joel Lau

for the record, i want to know more about this too!