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Core dna
Core dna

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What are the Best Types of Content of This Year?

Content marketing has been huge in 2021 and all signs point towards a very similar growth in 2022. The big issue is, because of its huge success, it means that the market is becoming saturated, making it very difficult for content marketers and businesses to stand out. The question now becomes, how do you make your content stand out in the coming year? What content is going to work best with audiences?

In this blog post, I’m going to share the top types of content that are going to work best in 2022.

In a hurry? Here are the best content types for 2022:
Video and live streaming
Interactive content
Webinars and online courses

The content marketing strategy of 2022

Before getting started with the best types of content that will work in 2022, I think it’s important to stress the importance of creating a content marketing strategy.

With so many businesses and marketers employing content marketing, creating a good content marketing strategy can make a big difference to your success. In fact, a study by the Content Marketing Institute has found that strategy issues and a lack of strategy are the major factors affecting the lack of success of content marketers.

So, this year, before beginning to create your content, start by putting together a content marketing strategy to help you achieve your results, more efficiently.

In order to have a good content marketing strategy, you will need to have the following:

A list of your goals from content marketing: What do you want to achieve? Do you want to get more leads from content, or are you simply looking to increase your brand awareness? Is your goal to get more traffic to your blog or to improve customer retention? Whatever your goals are, by putting them into perspective, you will be able to better plan out what steps you need to take in order to achieve them

A study of your target audience: In order to have successful content, you need to tailor it to your target audience. But what do you know about them? What are their interests and passions? What are their needs? What do they want to read about, or learn about? The more you know about your audience, the better you will be able to target your content to them.

Content Creation: What types of content are you going to create and when? Plan out your content creation in an editorial calendar and it will help you make sure you’re always providing content when you need to and it will also help you save time.

Content Promotion: How are you going to promote your content? Have a clear plan for how to promote your content and it will make your job that much easier for when you’ve published a new piece of content. Make sure to account for all different types of content, as some will require a different promotional strategy to others.

Analytics: How are you going to measure the success of your content? It’s important to stay on top of your analytics as it will help you make necessary changes and adjustments to your strategy as needed.

Now, let’s get into the types of content that will help you stand out in this coming year:

Read this next: The Future of Content Marketing: 10 Biggest Content Marketing Trends that Will Dominate 2022

Best content type #1: Video and live streaming
One of the biggest trends in content this year is sure to be video and live streaming. Watching videos is one of the main activities that people take part in online, with as much as a third of all online activity being spent watching videos.

Image description(Video and Live Streaming)

2022 has also been a huge year for live streaming, with many of the major social networks adding it as a focus (Facebook, Twitter) and others showing signs that they are planning to address it in the very near future.

The issue with live streaming is that because of the massive push from Facebook, it might mean that the trend will start to implode over the coming year. There are simply too many live streams popping up in all of our news feeds, which makes it difficult for any one of them to really stand out.

That said, videos will be a great option in 2022 and it works great both for blogs and websites, as well as for social media. The best part is, it’s also much easier to create videos as a beginner, using tools like Animoto or Biteable.

Best content type #2: Improve engagement with interactive content
Interactive content is fun and can really help you improve your engagement, as you get your readers involved in the process.

Image description(Black and Blue or White and Gold Dress)

Social media is full of polls left and right, some getting amazing engagement and some not at all, but websites and blogs are not making nearly as much use of this form of content. This year, try to add a few pieces of interactive content to get your audiences excited and engaged, such as polls, quizzes, lists, or interactive maps, among others.

There are plenty of tools that you can use to create this type of content, such as ContentTools or Boombox.

Read this next: eCommerce Quizzes: The Secret Weapon To Drive Sales & Engagement

Best content type #3: Offer more value with webinars and online courses

Another way to stand out in 2022 is to strive to offer more value to your audiences. One of the ways that you can do this is through webinars and online courses. The e-learning industry is huge, surpassing $100 billion in 2016, and yet, it feels like it’s massively underused.

Image description(Buffer Email Courses)

Creating an online course is definitely much more time consuming and a lot more work than most other types of content; but, it’s also a very successful form of content and one that your competitors are much less likely to be using as well. Not to mention, it can even become a new form of monetizing your knowledge online.

Like with any other type of content, there is a plethora of tools that you can use to help you develop your own webinar or online course, such as Teachable or Thinkific.

Best content type #4: Content amplification and influencer marketing

When it comes to content amplification, influencer marketing has been huge in 2018 — and will most likely continue to be so in 2022. Influencers can be of huge help when promoting content, but the issue is, influencer marketing is simply becoming too popular; saturating the market.

One of the ways that businesses can work around this in 2022 is to make more use of micro-influencers. These influencers might have a smaller audience, but they are still influential over this group of people, and in fact, their group of fans and followers will likely be more targeted than the biggest influencers in your niche.

Image description(restoring_radiance Instagram Profile)

It’s also a good idea to make better use of brand ambassadors, meaning users who are fans of your business and your content and helping you promote it. You can use a tool like Agorapulse to discover potential brand ambassadors and influencers already in your list or Buzzsumo for finding the top content and influencers in your niche.


2022 might be a tough year for content marketing because so many businesses and marketers have acknowledged the effectiveness of this form of marketing. That doesn’t mean though that you can’t still be very successful and drive amazing results from your content marketing campaigns; it only means you will need a bit more planning, more varied content and more quality content. What types of content do you think will be most successful this year?What will make or break a content marketing strategy in 2022?

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Original Cora dna article can be found here.

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