DEV Community

Discussion on: Longtime devs: Have you rekindled your love of coding after losing the spark at any point in your career?

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Jonathan • Edited

My spark flickered for a brief time in 2017-18 when I partially bought into the false notion that software development was a commodity skill that would quickly be made obsolete by AI.

At that time I dipped my toes in the world of interaction design / service design, which was interesting and enriching in itself, and brought me in contact with some amazing people! I don't regret that brief excursion, but it was only to be an excursion.

I was lured back into software development (UI) in 2019 by some well remunerated work opportunities, which turned out to be very rich and complex problem spaces in their own right. During this time I also was reading many classic books on software design and being mentored by a very competent developer, so my learning was going through the roof!

What's really been sparking my interest lately is re-focussing my learning efforts away from flashy libraries or languages and toward continually improving and sharpening the work I already do day-to-day. My daily process or 'grind' of solving complex problems.

I'm already used to working on large code-bases in large organisations, supporting vast UIs which cater for multiple kinds of users in multiple kinds of ways.

But what's new for me in 2019-20 is observation and reflection. Observing and reflecting on how I (and my colleagues) work through regular day-to-day problems, I capture that learning so I can apply it future problems. Making YouTube videos and blog posts is great too – the ideas become firmer in my mind when I can put them into words. I definitely understand something better when I try to explain it to someone else!

So I'm raising a glass to software development in 2020! 🥃

(Though I'll be wiping it down first with disinfectant. 😅)