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Deploy a fullstack NX workspace on Heroku

NX Workspaces is a powerful tool for scaffolding enterprise level starting points for typescript and node.js monorepos. In this post we will be scaffolding a simple React & Express app that we will deploy to Heroku. We will using yarn as package manager.

Use NX cli to generate new React & Express app

Run the following command in your terminal.

yarn create nx-workspace --package-manager=yarn nx-fullstack     
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Or if you prefer npm

npx create nx-workspace nx-fullstack 
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Define you project configuration

You'll be greeted by this prompt. Select react-express in the CLI list. Name your application nx-fullstack. Select styled-components as your styling solution. Select if you want sign up for the NX Cloud. The CLI will now scaffold your project.

Run your newly generated app locally

Cd in to your newly created folder with the command cd nx-fullstack. Inside the folder run

yarn nx run-many --target=serve --projects=nx-fullstack,api --parallel=true
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Wait for the client nx-fullstack and the backend api to start. Go to http://localhost:4200 in your browser. Confirm that the client app at apps/nx-fullstack/src/app/app.tsx is talking to the backend at apps/api/src/main.ts. You should see the text Welcome to the api! in the browser.
NX in the browser

Update apps/api/src/main.ts to serve the built nx-fullstack client once built

import * as express from 'express';
import * as path from 'path';
import { Message } from '@nx-fullstack/api-interfaces';

const CLIENT_BUILD_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../nx-fullstack');

const app = express();

const greeting: Message = { message: 'Welcome to api!' };

app.get('/api', (req, res) => {

app.get('*', (request, response) => {
  response.sendFile(path.join(CLIENT_BUILD_PATH, 'index.html'));

const port = process.env.PORT || 3333;
const server = app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log('Listening at http://localhost:' + port + '/api');
server.on('error', console.error);
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Update build script in package.json and commit it to git

"build": "yarn nx run-many --target=build --projects=nx-fullstack,api --parallel=true"
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Update start script in package.json and commit it to git

"start": "node dist/apps/api/main.js"
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Deploy app to Heroku

Sign up for a free account at Heroku here. Install the Heroku CLI by running the command below in the terminal.

brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku
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Run the heroku login command

heroku login
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Heroku will ask you to authenticate yourself in the browser.
Heroku login
Once it's complete you can return to the terminal. You're now logged in.

Create a Heroku deploy target

Run the CLI command for creating a new deploy target in your Heroku account.

heroku create
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Once it's finished it will look like this.
Heroku deploy target

Procfile in the root of your project

Create a Procfile in the root of your project and add the following

web: yarn start
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Deploy code to Heroku

Make sure all your changes in the repo are commited. Then run

git push heroku master
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Visit your deployed fullstack app

Use the CLI command below to open up your deployed app in your default browser.

heroku open
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Your fullstack NX Workspace app is now deployed and running on Heroku.

Final code

The final deployed code can be found here.

Where to go next? have a great free course on the nuts & bolts of NX Worskpaces Scale React Development with Nx.

Top comments (7)

ljoxloyd profile image

Hi! You pushing your whole project to heroku is there any downsides to it when project becomes quite large? Is there a way to push only the final build?

ihaback profile image
ihaback • Edited

Hello Alex,

So NX workspaces has this quite cool concept that is called Computation Caching that you can use with their NX Cloud service.

So NX could keep track of what you've already built, return the result of that and only build new code changes. Basically you would never need to rebuild the same code twice.

Here is a article describing it more in detail
Computation Caching | The Fundamentals Behind Nx’s Lightning Fast Execution

ihaback profile image

This is a great free resource if you are interested in getting into the nuts & bolts of NX workspaces

Scale React Development with Nx

cdnfs profile image

Does this tutorial require a paid version of heroku or is does it use the free tier?

ihaback profile image
ihaback • Edited

This tutorial will work with the heroku free tier as well. No need to upgrade your plan unless you need additional features.

cdnfs profile image

There is a section "Update apps/api/src/main.ts to serve the built nx-fullstack client once built"

It is not clear to me what to change in the file for that step

ihaback profile image

Here you need to update the express to serve the static build of the frontend app. It is these lines that you need to add

const CLIENT_BUILD_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../nx-fullstack');

const app = express();
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// This route needs to come last after all your other api routes
app.get('*', (request, response) => {
  response.sendFile(path.join(CLIENT_BUILD_PATH, 'index.html'));
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