DEV Community

Discussion on: What's holding you back from trying Eleventy?

codetraveling profile image

I have been using Gatsby mostly.. What would you say is a good reason to go for 11ty instead?

5t3ph profile image
Stephanie Eckles

If your output doesn't actually require features of React or if you do not need JavaScript (or minimally) then Eleventy is a great alternative. You can still write your files in Markdown or JavaScript, and you can organize your project similar to how you'd organize it for Gatsby. But Eleventy doesn't have the plugin dependency, you can start running it with no more than an index file using one of the 11 templating languages.

gilfewster profile image
Gil Fewster

For me, simplicity is a big selling point. Gatsby is great, but plenty of sites don’t need that level of complexity.

11ty is also especially good if you have a range of experience levels in your dev team. Even relatively junior front end devs will be able to get their heads around 11ty much more easily than Gatsby.