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Alfred Nwanokwai
Alfred Nwanokwai

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Install Kali Linux on Windows

Hi there! today i will walk you through the process of installing and setting up Kali Linux on your windows laptop.

In this article, you will learn how to use virtual box to setup Kali Linux on your windows laptop.

Download Virtual Box

  1. click here to download virtual box

Download Kali Linux

  1. click here to download Kali Linux
  2. Kali Linux is available for both 64-bit and 34-bit windows. select either of these two depending on your windows laptop.
  3. click on the icon labelled Virtual box and start downloading.

Kali Linux on windows

congratulation!!! you have successfully downloaded Kali Linux and Virtual box.

Setup Kali Linux on windows laptop

  1. Go to your download folder and install virtual box.
  2. launch virtual box
  3. Click on the button labelled import.
  4. Click on the yellow icon by the right.
  5. Go to folder you downloaded Kali Linux to (download folder)
  6. Select and Click on kali-linux
  7. Click on the button labelled.
  8. Click on the button labelled next. You should see an interface similar to this.
  9. Click on the button labelled import. A dialogue box appears,
  10. Click on the button labelled Agree

congratulation! you have successfully installed Kali Linux on windows.

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