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Nuxt.js cheat sheet

Christopher Kade on May 23, 2019

Nuxt.js is here to make your life easy, it's also here to make the Vue.js development process even nicer than it already is. But with all its good ...
israelmuca profile image
Israel Muñoz

This is super cool!
I've been using Nuxt for the last 6 months and the more I use it the more I like it!

Btw Nuxt has an i18n library that doesn't need initialization in a plugin, just a new property on nuxt.config.js!

christopherkade profile image
Christopher Kade

So glad you like it !

I'll make sure to check it out and mention it, thanks Israel 😄

ajayts07 profile image

If you're working on NuxtJS project, then I would recommend trying out this Best NuxtJS Admin Template

Materio – Free Vuetify NuxtJS 3 Admin Template The most developer friendly and highly customizable Admin template.

kp profile image

@christopherkade amazing post, thank you!
I love Nuxt but still think it is very complicated - there's a lot of configuration / APIs involved and there's a lot to learn. Seems like a moving target...I appreciate the SSR part of it nonetheless.

Would you mind doing a Nuxt.js tutorial on Ajax CRUD and fetching a feed using Axios?

joelvarty profile image
Joel Varty

Thanks for this!
I've been using Nuxt for approx 2 days haha. Just got it integrated with a CMS for routing and stuff - really cool tool for static site generation.

j0e profile image
Jochen Gererstorfer

Which CMS do you use?

joelvarty profile image
Joel Varty

Agility CMS!