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100 Days Of Code Tips

In this blog, I'll be talking about my experience with 100 days of code and share some tips with you guys. I've found this challenge on Twitter about a month ago.

Tip 1. Consistency


I understand sometimes it's hard to keep on track, but try to focus on consistency not speed. Not only this process will help you in the future, but also gain more skills. From my experience, I normally plan before the night so that I could start working in the morning and so that I know what I'm supposed to do after. I used Notion which is a great productivity software where you can keep track of your work (recommended!).

Tip 2. Use other resources!


At first, I focused on using FreeCodeCamp but on top of that, using other resources such as the Modern JS tutorial has helped me understand the overall concept.

Here are some HTML, CSS & JavaScript resources:

Tip 3. Stay Away From Distraction

no-phone (1)

This is something I struggled with the most while doing the challenge. Try to stay away from TV, Mobile Phone or Music (that distracts you). Try to limit yourself using technology devices outside to save your time working on other projects. Another point is to consider a good working environment to stay focused and try to stay away from procrastinating :)

Tip 4. Join The Community


Recently I've joined some communities on Discord, Twitter etc and learned a lot of new things, so should you! Having exposure to that environment will help you a lot in your field. Once you join the community, you can help other people to grow, learn together as a developer and share ideas. They can also help you reach your goals.

You will have the opportunity to meet other professionals in your field and have a better chance of networking once you engage with the community. Participate as much as you can, support and respect each other. Comment on other people's projects, give them some feedback and show them that you're interested!

Tip 5. Share your journey with others


On a social media platform such as Twitter, I tend to showcase my work to people. Sometimes you will get feedback that helps you learn more and get inspiration from the community. Present your work clearly by using video, gifs, images etc.

Video: QuickTime Player
Gifs: Giphy

While learning how to code, it's important to create projects too. I think this is important when you're learning as a beginner. This will allow you to understand the concepts you have learned and implement them in your project. Start your project small at first, keep it simple as possible and try a project that you can learn something new from. It's okay to fail sometimes so don't stress it out.

Thank you for reading my first article, I hope my tips helped you in some way. Whether you're a beginner or not, I wish you the best of luck in your journeyβ™‘

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