DEV Community

Discussion on: A Look at Stack Overflow Mobile vs Web Popularity Trends

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Stephen Chiang • Edited

I've read some research out there that essentially stated that on a mobile device, a user spend most of their time in less than a handful of apps... Furthermore, the average user downloads less than one app per month once the phone is setup. However, second to those apps, the majority of the rest of the time is spent on the web.

One way to interpret this data is it incentivizes developers to focus on the web and web technologies that provide a native-like experience such as pwa's or straight up mobile friendly web sites and applications where they are more likely to get users.

Couple the likelihood of your native app being in the top five used on a phone plus the hoops you jump through to get it listed on the app store, plus monetizing methods, that juice might not be worth the squeeze anymore.

Just my supposition.