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Discussion on: How do you exercise? 💪

buphmin profile image

I go to the gym a few times a week and lift weights. I do a full body workout because that is what works for me and keeps me from getting bored. I probably should do cardio more but alas. My goals are pretty simple: general health and strength. If I could choose one exercise it would be the deadlift since it uses the majority of your body at once. Every now and then I'll also put in some boxing exercises.

iggredible profile image
Igor Irianto

Deadlift is great. One of the best compound exercises ever!

I heard you can get away doing nothing but deadlifts, squats, and benches.

buphmin profile image

Yeah there are lots of ways to be healthy. In general if you can run a mile (1.6 KM) without stopping, do 5 pull ups, and 20 push ups you are doing ok in general fitness. These are somewhat arbitrary values but to me they are a nice starting point for the vast majority of people.