DEV Community

Bruce Axtens
Bruce Axtens

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Learning Deno and liking what I see

Today I learned why there's some buzz going on about Deno. As someone who has always found Node difficult, Deno is a welcome relief.

Recently I started solving some computable problems on Quora using C#. One of them was What are words with a vowel to consonant ration of 2:3?. Below is Deno code re-implementing the C#. Please note that the word-list in the Deno solution is different from that of the C# version ( rather than

const rex = /[aeiou]{1}/ig;

const res = await fetch(

const body = new Uint8Array(await res.arrayBuffer());

const list = await new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(body).split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g)
  .filter((line: string, index: number) => { // skip first two header lines
    return index > 1;
  .filter((word: string) => {
    const match = word.match(rex);
    if (null !== match) {
      const vowelcount = match.length;
      const consonantcount = word.length - vowelcount;
      if (vowelcount % 2 === 0) {
        if (vowelcount / 2 * 3 === consonantcount) {
          return true;
    return false;

list.forEach((line: string) => {
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There are probably better way to write that, but the await notation seemed fairly natural and made sense. Being able to use .filter was helpful too.

I think I'm going to enjoy learning Deno. Maybe you will too.

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