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Discussion on: AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud

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Brian McBride

This is what I tell new people coming to the cloud:

AWS: First to the market, has the most offerings in the PAAS. Because it was first, it is also burdened by a funky UI and AIM. Like the Amazon store, you have access to just about everything you could want - but it's not always consistent quality. Documentation can also be hit or miss.

Azure: If you are a shop that uses Microsoft servers and you need to lift and shift - there isn't anything better. Microsoft also has some cool unique PAAS offerings. CosmosDB is very cool for example. The UI experience for someone new is good with Microsoft and their documentation is also solid. Azure, like all Microsoft products, is usually a good thing to use. Also, Azure is trying hard to unseat AWS, so there is effort in innovation and pricing.

GCP: Easiest UI by far. Less PAAS offerings overall, but nothing missing where it counts. Lots of 3rd party integrations to fill the gaps too. GCP has made it easy for vendors to add to their marketspace. When you do find a feature you like, Firebase, Cloud Run, Kuberneties, etc... they are usually pretty damn awesome. For instance, the Firestore database with realtime queries is very unique. Firebase Auth is the best auth system out of the box (and it's nearly free!). But, like AWS has their version of Kafka - GCP only offers a more simple Pub/Sub. If you want Kafka, you have to use the Confluent service from the marketplace.

Of course, everyone's experience will be a little different. Because I work for a service company and have to use all these cloud providers in many ways - I tend to find the areas of poor documentation where others on a more predictable "happy path" might find AWS docs fantastic. Honestly all of them will be gret.

Since I believe in having an opinion, I will say that anytime I start a new project to work on some tech, it is always in GCP unless there is a specific feature I need from another provider. Cloud Run is awesome - love it. Firebase Auth is super awesome. And I like Firestore more than DynamoDB. I do wish that GCP had a version of MongoDB (AWS has DocumentDB and Azure has Cosmos), but if I really need that NoSQL I can use that 3rd party thing again and turn on Mongo's Atlas.

And, if you are building a mobile app, I strongly feel that the Firebase line of tools still beats AWS and Azure's tools hands down. (at least today)