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I started learning Rust 2 weeks ago, and I made a tool which fixed a common headache in pentesting!

And now it has over 800 stars 🎉

GitHub logo brandonskerritt / RustScan

Faster Nmap Scanning with Rust

Turns a 17 minutes Nmap scan into 19 seconds.
Find all open ports fast with Rustscan, automatically pipe them into Nmap

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🔧 Cargo (Universal)



Kali / Debian

cargo install rustscan yay -S rustscan-bin brew tap brandonskerritt/rustscan && brew install rustscan Read the install guide

🤔 What is this?

  1. Find ports quickly using Rustscan (8 seconds at its fastest).
  2. Automatically runs nmap on those ports.
  3. ???
  4. Profit!
Name Nmap with RustScan 🐢 Nmap 🐢
Gif The guy she tells you not to worry about You
Time 39 seconds 17 minutes and 41 seconds

Note This is an older gif. RustScan's current top speed is 8 seconds for all 65k ports. This gif is 26 seconds.

RustScans only job is to reduce the friction between finding open ports and inputting them into nmap.


  • Scans all 65k ports in 8 seconds (on 10k batch size).
  • Saves you time by automatically piping it into Nmap. No…