DEV Community

Discussion on: Where do devs go online to chat?

bradtaniguchi profile image

Reddit, Twitter, and Hacker News are all very meh IMO. Like you said, there is to much noise and bullies. I personally don't use Reddit, or Twitter with any regularity due to all the issues.

I've seen a lot of Discord and Slack channels advertised from different places, but I'd say its hard to find any generic "dev" ones, unless you find a channel specifically for one framework/thing it might be dead or empty.

Gitter is like a "nicer" IRC chat, came around before Discord, but again the rooms you get into might be active or might be dead, all really depends on how well its being promoted. (I personally go here the most, but I've seen things start slowing down in the rooms I'm in)

IRC is the OG, but I haven't used it so idk how it is, especially for web devs. When I think of IRC I think of old-school pro C programmers haha, but thats just my personal view.

(disclaimer this is a plug, but a relevant one) There's also FreeCodeCamp's forums, which have recently been making a push to overthrow Reddit as the place for developers to chat/interact. This push is recent, but it has the clear advantage over Reddit for being a much better/safer environment for discussions and getting help.