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[Comment from a deleted post]
bradtaniguchi profile image


Its difficult to self evaluate, its even more difficult self-evaluate using a metric that is relative.

Whats stopping you from saying you have 10 years of experience after working only 2-3 years? Or 30? This is an exaggeration, but it is possible if you compare yourself relative to someone that hasn't grown at all for 10+ years, then yes you have "10 years" relative to that person who has done the same thing for 10 years and you know more.

You can say you have 2-3 years of experience as that isn't subjective, its objective. But you can highlight how much you've done during that time through explaining what you've done during that time. If its a short time-span, but you fill it out with a large amount of work, then it will stand out how you'd want it to.

Time doesn't equal true experience, but you can't "make time" on your resume based on a subjective metric.