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Discussion on: As a software engineer, how quickly do you get left behind if you don’t constantly update your skills?

bovermyer profile image
Ben Overmyer

You're asking the wrong question.

The implication in your question is that there are two options - constantly update your skills, or never update your skills.

The better question is "how often should I spend time learning new techniques and technologies?"

The answer to that question depends a bit on the person, but a good baseline is a few hours each month. Less than that, and you might not be making the best choices and creating more work for yourself later. More than that is fine, up to a point. You don't want to be spending more time learning new technology than you are solving problems for your employer. The caveat to that is if you're a new hire in your first 90 or so days; then, learning is all you should be expected to be doing.

jaredniervas profile image
Jared Niervas

Thanks, so spot on!

On a similar note, I find it easier connecting with key engineering events happening across the world. I'm always on the lookout from:

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