DEV Community

Discussion on: You don’t need React for building websites

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blackr1234 • Edited

The lack of pros and cons of React and vanilla JS, strong arguments concluded from your 9 years of web dev experience, some performance figures and code examples, this post is really pointless and has zero educational value.

I'd say the one/two-way data binding feature in modern web dev libraries is very useful. Managing states is easy in React and is easier compared to vanilla JS. Create-React-App also comes with Babel and Webpack that make our lives very easy from one end (development with the latest ES features) to another end (deployment with ease). One example is that JS files are cached if we do not change the url (e.g. by adding a timestamp query string ?v=yyyyMMdd) when we deploy changes in the JS files, and as a result end users may not be affected by the new changes when they reload the page. The bundled Webpack library does that for us automatically. We also want to write code with the latest ES syntax but still ensure that end users' web browsers are compatible. Babel does that for us. It is very easy to make code changes and immediately see results. The bundled live development server and hot reload module do that for us.

If you are not looking for React developers here to persuade you, then just be a die-hard vanilla JS developer until one day a JS library interests you. There is nothing wrong if you can make a living with vanilla JS without React, period.