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Discussion on: AoC Day 6: Chronal Coordinates

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Bjarne Magnussen

Here is the Golang code. Even though it uses the exact same algorithm, it runs surprisingly faster!

package main

import (

type coord struct {
    x int
    y int

// readLines reads a whole file into memory
// and returns a slice of its lines.
func readLines(path string) ([]string, error) {
    file, err := os.Open(path)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer file.Close()

    var lines []string
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
    for scanner.Scan() {
        lines = append(lines, scanner.Text())
    return lines, scanner.Err()

func abs(x int) int {
    if x < 0 {
        return -x
    return x

func max(a, b int) int {
    if a < b {
        return b
    return a

func min(a, b int) int {
    return max(-a, -b)

func calculateDistance(p1, p2 coord) int {
    return abs(p1.x-p2.x) + abs(p1.y-p2.y)

func makeCoord(d string) coord {
    c := strings.Split(d, ", ")
    x, _ := strconv.Atoi(c[1])
    y, _ := strconv.Atoi(c[0])
    return coord{x: x, y: y}

func main() {
    data, err := readLines("input")
    if err != nil {

    // Find the outer border:
    var outerTop, outerBottom, outerLeft, outerRight int
    outerBottom = math.MaxInt32
    outerLeft = math.MaxInt32
    P := []coord{}
    for _, d := range data {
        c := makeCoord(d)
        P = append(P, c)
        outerTop = max(outerTop, c.y)
        outerBottom = min(outerBottom, c.y)
        outerLeft = min(outerLeft, c.x)
        outerRight = max(outerRight, c.x)

    // Map coordinates to closest points and count:
    countP := map[coord]int{}
    canvas := map[coord]int{}
    for y := outerBottom; y <= outerTop; y++ {
        for x := outerLeft; x <= outerRight; x++ {
            c := coord{x: x, y: y}
            canvas[c] = 0
            minDist := math.MaxInt32
            var minP coord
            for _, p := range P {
                dist := calculateDistance(c, p)
                canvas[c] += dist
                if dist == minDist {
                    minP = coord{x: math.MinInt32, y: math.MinInt32}
                } else if dist < minDist {
                    minP = p
                    minDist = dist

            if minP.x != math.MinInt32 && minP.y != math.MinInt32 {
                if countP[minP] != math.MinInt32 {
                    countP[minP] = countP[minP] + 1
                if y == outerTop || y == outerBottom || x == outerLeft || x == outerRight {
                    countP[minP] = math.MinInt32

    // Part 1:
    fmt.Println("Part 1:")
    maxi := math.MinInt32
    var maxiP coord
    for k, v := range countP {
        if v > maxi {
            maxi = v
            maxiP = k
    fmt.Printf("Point with largest area: %v\n", maxiP)
    fmt.Printf("The area is: %v\n", maxi)

    // Part 2:
    fmt.Println("\nPart 2:")
    var region []coord
    for p, d := range canvas {
        if d < 10000 {
            region = append(region, p)
    fmt.Printf("Size of region: %v\n", len(region))