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Discussion on: What do your friends and family think about the software industry?

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In the beginning, my mother wasn't excited about my career choice. I was originally majoring in Robotics Engineering because I was born and raised in Mexico, so robotics and industrial automation are a big thing over there. However, I had been writing software since I was really young. It was my hobby and it became too evident when I was failing all of my robotics classes that robotics and electronics was not my thing haha, so I decided to switch majors to Computer Science and I started to excel at school. Straight As all the time and I was getting internships at prestigious places and making money on the side freelancing, so I think after my mom saw that I was happier in this industry she just accepted it. She didn't really see a future in my industry, until very recently when she's seen the big technology revolution and how everyone keeps talking about learning how to code. I think she's proud of me now haha