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Discussion on: How do you keep notes?

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Hey Madza!

I've pretty much experienced the same journey as you regarding note keeping.

Except when I purchased an iPad (incl. Pen). The App I use is GoodNotes. An iPad w/ pen works especially great for brainstorming since you can scribble shapes anywhere oh the canvas and combine them with hand-written text and screenshots.
But that's about.. I dislike the organization of the "notes" within GoodNotes since it's all about folders within folders - where you lose track of the "whole" easily.

So right now I'm in the middle of building my dream note-taking & TODO structure within Notion. I'm not only using Notion for note taking (e.g. university or projects) - I'm also using it for personal planning stuff and ideas.
I think I'm going to combine Notion with GoodNotes "sketches" i.e. importing them into Notion.

My Notion "Landing Page" (wip):

landing page

University TODOs (filtered table):

univ. todos

Actual Notes:

actual notes

nothing interesting here but:

Notes in GoodNotes (iPad):

ipad GoodNotes notes