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Discussion on: Published my first NPM package - here's what I learned

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Tobias Nickel

thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am also a publisher and maintainer for a bunch of modules.

Definitely a good documentation is key. 👍

A few modules that I published, I know are not useful, others I know are no longer needes, because there really is a better alternative. And I plan since 3 months to add a single page in my website where people can quickly see the state and up to dates opinion.

I basically have my own ORM on npm. It has the killer feature, that it can basically join across databases. even SQL to mongo to redis. but its typescript support is not good. I definetly need typescript version 4.1 to improve the type definitions. I used it in some personal projects,but never productive myself.

With tcacher I have a query batching solution that is superior to facebooks DataLoader. And I thought people rather use stuff from facebook thana random dude. that is what i thought,... I just never promoted the module.

This year, after more than 5 years, it is the first time that one of my modules is getting traction. first it have been 1500, when I realized finally people use one of my modules. It is my xml parser txml. The downloads started to rise, when I implemented support for processing streams via for await loop about 6 months before.

Now, I developed version 4 adding cleaner API, and some needed options for parsin. Boa, I was so nervous when I npm publish, I added more tests, use --dry-run to see the exact package content. I just can hope people like it.