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How Docker Works ? (Docker Series - II)

Docker is a Client- Server architecture.

Image description

What does the docker client do ?

The client is a tool for users to communicate/ interact with Docker. We can use commands and also Docker provided API to communicate.

What is docker host and what does docker host contain ?

The docker host environment to run or execute your application. It runs a program or a piece of software called Daemon. It communicates bi-directionally where it gets user-input and prints the response received.

contains ?:

  1. Docker Daemon: This manages docker objects such as images and containers. Daemon builds the docker file and processes it as an image.

  2. Docker Image: Read-only template, contains instructions to build a container. This can be either own image or pulled existing image from docker registry. Docker images are built from a docker file. We can publish our own image in docker. Docker image communicates directly to Daemon. When redeploying an image it rebuilds where the image has changed, so it's light-weight and faster than vm technology.

  3. Docker Container: Runnable instance of docker image, we can create, stop, run using cli or api. Containers are attached to networks and storage. By default it runs isolated from its host machine. The container communicates to daemon through images.

Docker Registry ?

Docker registry is a repository to store the images. We can also maintain a private registry. Docker will look for the images from the registry by default.

We can pull or run images that are available in the registry as well as push images.

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