DEV Community

Discussion on: Tooling - the orphan child of web development?

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Adrian B.G.

Just saying, if you (the reader) code only for fun and don't want to invest in a proper IDE to save time, you can skip the subscription and make a one time payment and get the perpetual license webstorm (stick to one version) or the the Visual Studio (not code) free license (I forgot the name of the Microsoft Dev program).

I can guess why strong typed super scripts didn't caught (TypeScript)

  • most of the projects are small
  • the adoption rate is pretty slow (jQuery is still hot), this includes tools , most of the devs are still debug-ing JavaScript with console.log
  • for many front end devs JavaScript is the first and main language, they don't know or have time to learn from the other ecosystems or have a proper CS background (to even know about Strong Typed languages)
  • the devs they are busy learning all these new frameworks
  • most of the entry JS tutorials/bootcamps don't even mention TypeScript