DEV Community

Adrian B.G.
Adrian B.G.

Posted on

Barking at the right tree (1000 followers)

New milestone


I've reached a new (biggest so far) milestone in my ... publishing career, sort to speak ... more exactly 1000 followers on

Like I said on twitter, I was "writing" on the wrong platforms all this long.

I made some experiments and studies on different social media channels, from instagram to linkedin, and I could throw poo all day long, but you can just look at the top content to see for yourself.

Here you do not have to be a super star in order to have people read your content.

I will treat this event as a good sign. I will continue to write and help as many devs as I can. I have some big plans for next year, the people I am currently helping encourage me as well:

  • new blog stack (transit to Hugo, medium no longer fits my needs, 8s loading time ...)
  • finish my 12+ series of Pragmatic Docker tutorials and real examples for developers
  • start a Youtube channel (I have previous editing experience, I just need some hardware and to improve my English), mostly for Programming and Cloud basic tutorials. I want to cover all the missing topics from Bootcamps and courses.

Context: now I am helping junior developers on 1-1 sessions, and I realized that I can help 1-n people just by recording the material, because most of the problems they encounter are common.

  • finish 2 chapters of my book (long stretch, probably will not happen, but hey ... wishful thinking)

Thank you !!!

Latest comments (5)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

Yes, but I will never use Udemy. I heard many horror stories, lots of content theft and they take 50% of the income (for most sells).

BaseCS looks great, but has other audience, most ppl I know learn exclusive from videos, not text. And also it has the same issues as the others, there are no real life examples or practical use of the theory.

I have a more unique overview based on my experience and the fact that I study CS, architecture and distributed systems. I can make some correlations between these with examples in a few languages as well.

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

I watched hundred of videos of CS on youtube and read tons of tutorials, there are many of them indeed, but their quality is very low.

I think I can fill some gaps. For example most of them treat CS problems like abstract statues, and they do not give a real context where they are used and how. Implementation is indeed another problem, they are usually in Java, with ugly written code i and j and hard to understand. Most of them can be written very nice in Go.

wangonya profile image
Kelvin Wangonya


bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

I will try to keep the basic CS as technology-agnostic as I can. But to have the full effect I will have to choose a common language, like Java or JS.

But Go being my specialization, probably I will squeeze it around :D people has to know how awesome it is