DEV Community

What's your favorite new thing?

Ben Halpern on October 26, 2019

Any new tools, libraries, services, etc. you're playing around with?

ankitbeniwal profile image
Ankit Beniwal

I really like community. Thanks everyone for making it so wonderful.

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar

This comment is most likely getting to the top as it describes what most people are coming here to say 😁

shadowwarior5 profile image
Konstantin Meiklyar


fsavalam profile image

me too... I just had to post the same thing

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

Came here to say this

negue profile image

running npx npkill listed like 34 GB of node_modules on older projects I'm no longer working on

sherribooher profile image
Sherri Booher

Oooooo, I need this in my life! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

shubhambattoo profile image
Shubham Battoo

This is all we need with small SSD. Thanks

buinauskas profile image
Evaldas Buinauskas

Functional programming, which I discovered by using Elm.

Would love to try F# to develop backend in a functional way as well.

anirudd profile image
Aniruddha Bhattacharjee • Edited

I am learning Functional Programming too, but I went with Haskell. Still finding the whole paradigm a little confusing and counter-intuitive though.

buinauskas profile image
Evaldas Buinauskas

I found Elm at first confusing too because I was taught to write code imperatively. Haskell is the most functional language you can think of and it takes time.

Even if you won't use it, everything you've learnt will benefit when you write code in different languages.

pantsme profile image
Antonio Savage

Hit up solidity and smart contracts if you are enjoying functional programming. Huge demand for sol devs currently and its some interesting stuff.

dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani

Working remotely. 😁

cguttweb profile image

Vue, its cli and learning more about the whole vue ecosystem I really really like it and looking forward to learning a lot more about it.

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

Svelte is really cool! I understand why some people are weary of it, but I'm a fan!

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma

Svelte is ❤

anwar_nairi profile image
Anwar • Edited

I felt in love with split-require. Finally I can use the dynamic import syntax

components: {
  MaterializeNavbar: () => import("component/MaterializeNavbar.vue")

My index.js went from 1.9Mb to 954Kb, where were you when I needed you the most 😭

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

I am loving the new android studio canary build with jetpack compose, I am also loving the Kotlin programming language.

codenutt profile image

Just started with Kotlin. Reminds me so much of JS, which could be a good or bad thing lol

varunbarad profile image
Varun Barad

I am also going through the Compose Tutorial right now. Just need to download the canary Android studio first though.

sduduzog profile image

I want to try out the MotionEditor first. It didn't load my project for some reason though, I'll have to do some debugging

arximughal profile image
Muhammad Arslan Aslam

the ten x hacker theme

chrisfinnigan profile image
Chris Finnigan • Edited


Gridsome site, using Tailwind CSS, CMS and hosted on Netlify.

These were all completely new to me. It's turned out to be a great setup for my portfolio site.

cguttweb profile image

How have you found tailwind? I know some bootstrap as we use it at work quite a bit. I had a quick go with it this afternoon but I'm generally not keen on adding all that markdown to my HTML.

chrisfinnigan profile image
Chris Finnigan • Edited

Grids took a little bit of getting used to for me, but I like it alot. Previously I have always used Bootstrap.

The messier html syntax is a thing but in reality if you identify common components you can use @apply to collate groups of utilities into a single class.

It's a trade off between more classes in the html and less CSS to write. I find it quite easy to read. The classes are very descriptive so it does give you a good rundown of what you should be seeing.

The abillity to setup custom config to match a style guide/design system would really help keep a site's UI consistent.

drewtownchi profile image
Drew Town
jeikabu profile image

I actually just started using Fork as well. I rather like it.

tterb profile image
Brett Stevenson

How do you think Fork compares to Github Desktop and GitKraken?

Thread Thread
jeikabu profile image

Only used GitHub Desktop briefly but it seemed like it was positioned as “git for everyone”. Polished, but if you’re used to git CLI and expecting most features it felt a bit lacking.

Used SourceTree for quite a while, but it was sometimes a bit clunky and occasionally had issues with multiple auth configs.

Never tried git kraken. I forget why exactly and haven’t looked in a while, but I think it was because it was payed vs free and non-open source.

balajik profile image
Balaji K • Edited

Playing around with react and redux using projects listed by

simonholdorf image

Then try to host those projects like in Heroku.

Finally playing around with editor guide which will be handy while posting a comment/post like this.

ypedroo profile image
Ynoa Pedro

kubernetes fun and scary

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

I am still trying to figure out what the heck it is.

pantsme profile image
Antonio Savage

It's a thing. It does stuff! Don't feel alone in not knowing what it is/does. I work with it and I ask myself this question daily. Check out some of the Rancher guides or go and play with a Kubernetes environment on katacoda. Also start on containers with dockers own online learning lab. Advance from there...

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma

Making everything in less libraries and frameworks

jeremy profile image
Jeremy Schuurmans

I've been getting into Vim the past few weeks and adding more keyboard shortcuts to my workflow and I've been feeling super awesome and powerful because of it.

vergeev profile image
Pavel Vergeev

I've started answering questions on StackOverflow and it's my favorite new thing now.

The questions I answer are not complex once you dig in a little. The fun part is explaining the problem and providing the necessary context.

lankydandev profile image
Dan Newton • Edited

Personally I am really happy with Cascadia Code, a new font released by Microsoft a month or so ago.

It's similar to fira code but has an increased weight (which is one of its selling points to me).

lbeul profile image
Louis • Edited

Also switched from Fira Code to Cascadia -> Love it!

gabe profile image

I recently started getting into Vue and am really enjoying it so far! I have a small list of blog topics I want to eventually write about regarding it, but want to familiarize myself a bit more with the concepts before I sit down and write them.

thealiilman profile image
Ali Ilman

Docker and Kubernetes. I was astounded to see how Docker can simplify the process of running a backend locally and how it creates a partition in your hard drive, specifically for the backend, thus avoiding errors along the lines of as gem xxx wasn’t found.

lewiskori profile image
Lewis kori

Firefox. I just ditched Chrome for Firefox and I'm loving the privacy it provides.

Another tool I'm in love with is vue.js. Being a backend guy mostly I just find vue incredible and very beginner friendly.

fcrozetta profile image
Fernando Crozetta

svelte. This may not be new for many developers, but I work mostly with python and c# (mostly back end and text user interfaces)... I have to say,the way of creating things in that framework is incredible. I think it was my best experience with web development so far.

peiche profile image

Front-end: PurgeCSS. I introduced it to my team at work and impressed everyone. If you use a framework like Bootstrap, it can really come in handy. If you roll your own CSS, I imagine it has less benefit.

Back-end: AWS SQS and Elastic Beanstalk worker tiers. Offload tasks that don't need to be processed in real time and let the worker churn through tasks.

riledupcrow profile image
Riley Bąkowska

Concurrent Mode in React, mind bending 🤯
It's not released yet but I haven't been more excited since Hooks came out.

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

I'm a huge fan of Revery. This is a toolkit that allows you to use ReasonReact to build native apps, like React Native. It works kind of like Electron but better. Instead of bundling a whole runtime to interpret your app, it compiles the OCaml to native code.

There's a quickstart app, give it a go.

j0hnys profile image

Mostly with project scaffolding / code generation at the moment. In order to build software faster and better!

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

My favorite thing this week is an app/service that I instantly subscribed tp because it was made by the amazing Design+Code team. The new app is

It is a huge library of icons that can be editing and exported in many useful formats including SVG and React components.

codenutt profile image

Graphql and serverless, mostly.

khophi profile image
KhoPhi • Edited

Windows Linux Subsystem 2.

As an Ubuntu user for 14+ years, WSL excites me, and I'm currently 100% setup on Windows with the WSL, running everything I do on Linux, even including Docker, seamlessly.

ps: above is running on work computer. Personal laptop will forever run a *nix.

dbanty profile image
Dylan Anthony

FastAPI- it’s a Python REST API framework. Very very good ☺️.

grazhevskaja profile image
Alexandra Grazhevskaja

I am playing with my cat!😺😂

I am also playing with the services, that I evangelise: Aspose.Slides API, Aspose.Slides Cloud API and Aspose.Slides Online Apps.💁‍♀️

malaikaishtiaq profile image
Malaika Ishtiaq

My favorite new things are CSS filters,filters are very useful when you want to make a real looking portrait or illustration like this now these days I am playing around with filters And recently made a pen for codepen challenge just for showing how you can add image sharpness effect using css

realoscarcastro profile image
Oscar Castro

Learning the fundamentals of Apache Kafka from a beginners course I purchased on Udemy. Loving it so far!

eyp profile image
Eduardo Yáñez Parareda

Which course?

realoscarcastro profile image
Oscar Castro
coolsonu profile image

I am doing CS50's Introduction to Game Development course on Edx and really like love2d framework and lua programming language in general ♥️

Also this is my first comment here 😁

emaraschio profile image
Ezequiel Maraschio

React Hooks!

srsh profile image
Soroosh Ghaffari

I'm using wagtail in a project. It's a django module. But I can't say that's my FAVORITE new thing. It's documentation isn't so well.

jeromebrownweb profile image
Jerome Brown

I'm liking the new animate feature in Figma

codenutt profile image

Yes! Best.

skydevht profile image
Holy-Elie Scaïde

Flutter for a mobile app
AWS Lambda for the backend
Trying to move outside the usual react-native / REST API built with a monolith framework (Laravel)

boniw profile image

Hii.. Heloow how your peogress..?

_morgan_adams_ profile image

Enjoying Rails and React. I've wanted to do web stuff for years but kept putting it off because my job was on the SRE and security end of things. Finally started getting into it and I love it!

nuculabs_dev profile image
Nucu Labs

I've been writing some asyncio Python decorators for rate limiting and caching in Redis. Was fun.

sherribooher profile image
Sherri Booher

I am digging the whole React ecosystem, which I have just learned at my full stack bootcamp. It makes routing so, so, so much easier, and building components? Pffff, 10 minutes, TOPS!

fsavalam profile image

my favorite new thing?
it's the only app on my home screen right now 😊

gc_psk profile image
Giancarlo Buomprisco

Svelte and Firebase, digging the Ivy compiler too :)

bolt04 profile image
David Pereira

Learning Angular and Spring webflux now. I've already made projects with React and Spring MVC, so I wanna try other stuff too😄.
Also looked into making web apps with kotlin😁

nomangul profile image
Noman Gul

Nowadays, using Flameshot for sharing screenshots with Team on Slack 😁

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang • Edited

I'm starting to build a pretty decent collection of mechanical keyboards, and now I'm getting ready to customize one.... It's just given me an idea as a cool performance reward for the team.

rawkode profile image
David McKay
jeffreyfate profile image
Jeffrey Fate

Opinionated (read: simple) framework for building serverless apps on AWS Lambda (soon other infrastructure).

manuelojeda profile image
Manuel Ojeda

Vue Composition API with TypeScript, i'm eager to use Vue 3

severon96 profile image
Dominik Mack

I'm kinda an Apple fetishist. And I just started to develop for iPhones in my free time.

Don't know if i should call it my "favorite thing" because it's kinda cancer. But I still like it somehow.

yashints profile image
Yaser Adel Mehraban
moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I've been enjoying seeing how many things I can gratuitously "improve" with fzf.

allanmacgregor profile image
Allan MacGregor 🇨🇦

Functional Programming with Elixir, love it!

seanmclem profile image

SolidJS, everything I love about react and non-react altogether

denolfe profile image
Elliot DeNolf

I've been loving coding small projects in Crystal lately. A great switch up from C# at my day job.

karamfd profile image

CSS Diner is a pretty cool game for testing out your css skills.

lucis profile image

Gatsby.js is really awesome! I've already finished a new theme and it's a very well thought achitecture.

janetmndz profile image
Janet Mendez

I don't think this is new but, I finally had time to play around with GSAP Animations after wanting to for a long time.

vergeev profile image
Pavel Vergeev

Damn, I like how native it looks and feels!

pmarkoulidakis profile image
Markoulidakis Panos

Quarkus framework

maeganwilson_ profile image
Maegan Wilson


It’s making UI for iOS development pretty quick and allows me to focus on the logic of the app more.

ekimkael profile image
Ekim Kael • Edited

Learning Gatsbyjs.
Want to pass the new version of my portfolio on wordpress but want the front use React.

wobsoriano profile image

gayanhewa profile image
Gayan Hewa

Learning how to unlearn stuff so I can relearn.

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy

i want a new git client ( use gitkraken but now because license i can't use it )

also i want a plan to start be a blogger :D