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Discussion on: Why I still love Ruby

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Ruby has a long history of assimilating the best ideas, patterns, and practices from other programming languages.

I think this is also happening in reverse a lot these days. I definitely think I spot Rubyisms in new ideas these days. Hard to trace idea origins though.

I, too, am still very much enjoying developing in Ruby.

hopsoft profile image

I agree that programming languages borrow good ideas from each other all the time, but Ruby's focus on developer happiness seems to make this a first class goal of the language.

jrtibbetts profile image
Jason R Tibbetts

Totally agreed. I can't think of a single other language that has developer happiness as one of its stated goals. Although I don't have many opportunities to use Ruby these days, I still think that I was at my most productive when I did. Ruby (and Rails) taught me, among other things, that

  • test-driven development was actually doable and useful;
  • web frameworks didn't have be stinking pieces of shit; and
  • "convention over configuration," far from being limiting, frees you up to do what's really important in your apps.
shaijut profile image
Shaiju T

๐Ÿ˜„, I used to have questions like which language is better ? After discussing with my friends and listening to people online, I realized that Its better to stop asking these questions. Instead start asking which tool is better for current Job and Trend.

Choose the right tool for the Job.

  • Based on your experience, you can use C# or Java for building enterprise and large applications.
  • Instead JSF you can think of using Anuglar orReactorVueetc. for Front End.
  • Python for Machine Learning.
  • Go for Micro Services based performant applications.

In future maybe today's Languages and Framework may be outdated, so to survive you will be forced to learn new language of that time.


  • Developer Happiness, stick to the language which make your life easier, like easy to read syntax, maintainable, has Good IDE. I like C# for current work, and its up-to you to decide what you like.

  • Its always good to be Open to learn any language as required and Choose the right tool for the Job.

Hope this helps.

notjames profile image
Jim Conner

Yup. Like Rust! Obviously Crystal, which is a statically typed Ruby mock-up I believe.