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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2019 Solution Megathread - Day 2: 1202 Program Alarm

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Christopher Kruse

Back again with more Clojure.

My favorite part of this is how the actions get selected. the get-action function actually returns the function used for handling the inputs (where 99 returns a function that, regardless of input, returns "stop"). Then, that function is used with the apply function inside calculate to actually pass the arguments to that function.

I'm sure there should be a better way of handling the brute force handling of part 2, but for now, it's just a poor man's nested for loop implemented using atoms.

(ns aoc2019.day2
  (:require [clojure.string :as st]))

(defn get-action
  "Selects an action from the available opcodes"
  (condp = action
    1 +
    2 *
    99 (constantly "stop")))

(defn parse-input
  "Converts input into atom holding instruction integers."
  (map #(Integer/parseInt %) (st/split (st/trim-newline input) #",")))

(defn initial-adjustments
  [instructions noun verb]
  (-> instructions
      (assoc 1 noun)
      (assoc 2 verb)))

(defn calculate
  "Read opcodes, insert required values, and read position 0 when complete."
  [input noun verb]
  (loop [instructions (initial-adjustments (vec (parse-input input)) noun verb)
         cursor 0]
    (let [[action pos1 pos2 result-pos] (take 4 (drop cursor instructions))
          result (apply (get-action action) [(get instructions pos1) (get instructions pos2)])]
      (if (= result "stop")
        (first instructions)
        (recur (assoc instructions result-pos result) (+ 4 cursor))))))

(defn p2019-02-part1
  (calculate input 12 2))

(defn p2019-02-part2
  "Using the calculator from part 1, determine the proper inputs for our expected value."
  (let [expected-result 19690720
        noun (atom 0)
        verb (atom 0)]
    (while (not= expected-result (calculate input @noun @verb))
      (swap! verb inc)
      (if (= @verb 100)
          (swap! noun inc)
          (reset! verb 0))))
    (+ @verb (* 100 @noun))))

(defn run
  "Runs the Day 2 solutions."
  (let [input (slurp "inputs/2019-02-input")]
    (println (str "Part 1: " (p2019-02-part1 input)))
    (println (str "Part 2: " (p2019-02-part2 input)))))