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Abdul Aziz
Abdul Aziz

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Confusing Javascript Question

Truthy or Falsy Value

In Javascript, Truthy means true while it is using as a boolean purpose. And Falsy means false as a boolean purpose. Except few values all values are truthy. The falsy values are 0, "", null, false, NaN, Undefined Few confusion show in below:

var a = 0;
 console.log("This is truthy");
console.log("This is falsy");
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The above code executes This is falsy because a=0 is falsy value.

var a = "";
 console.log("This is truthy");
console.log("This is falsy");
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The above code also executes This is falsy because a="" is falsy value.

var a = " ";
 console.log("This is truthy");
console.log("This is falsy");
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The above code also executes This is truthy notice in a declaration and assigned a string White space. " " this is a truthy value.

Null Vs Undefined

Undefined is a datatype. It means a variable declares but the value is not assigned and Null is a value that can assign in a variable. The example is shown below

var hello; //variable declare but value not assigned
console.log(hello); // print here undefined
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another way to get undefined

var hello = "hi"; //value assigned hi
hello = undefined; //undifined assign to hello
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hello = null;
console.log(hello); // print here null
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Double equal (==) Vs Triple equal (===)

Double equal and triple equal use to compare two values.

Difference here

Triple equal (===) not only compare value but also variable datatype also. While both are the same then it is true.

var a = 77;
var b = '77';
console.log(a===b); // its false, values are same but datatype
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var a =77;
var b=77;
console.log(a===b); //its true
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var a = 'hello';
var b = 'hello';
console.log(a===b) //its true,
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Double Equal only compare value don't datatype.

var a = 77;
var b = '77';
console.log(a==b); // its true, values are same 
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Scope means a variable accessible range.

Global Scope

If a variable declares in global scope it can access anywhere. The variable is accessible to function scope and block scope.

var name= 'khan'
console.log(name);        //khan

function getName(){
    console.log(name);    //name is accessible here
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Block Scope

It means a variable is accessible to a block likes if, switch, for, while, etc. Block means an area of code that start and end Carly brace {blcok scope area}

function getName(){
    let name1= 'khan';        //exist in function and block
        let name2= 'momin';     //exist in block scope

    console.log(name1); //it is in the block
    console.log(name2);  //it is out of its block
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Closure definition is given by Douglas Crockford :

Closure means that an inner function always has access to the vars and parameters of its outer function, even after the outer function has returned.

function outerFunction(){
 var a = 5;
 function innerFunction(){
return innerFunction; //here return the reference of the innerFunction

var innerF = outerFunction(); //innerF assigned reference of innerFunction.
innerF(); //call here innerFunction and print 5
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The above code outerFunction() return the reference of innerFuncion(). Though innerFunction() is in the outerFunction() block scope. But it can access out of the outerFunction() block. This is clouser.

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