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Shawn McElroy

Programming is Hard

Sure some people can do it easier, but many o them have been around it since they were 5. Or they are half your age. Or they learned from parents. Or their brain is wired differently.

I would bet that 95% of programmers aren't very good. So then why does it seem like so many are? Persistence. They just build something.

I fought that for a long time. I learned and learned but felt like I got nowhere. It didn't "feel" hard. But there was a lot of concepts that I struggled with that others seem to understand.

One thing I had to realize is that many of those people have been programming longer, or have had experience with the topic that is difficult for the rest of us. And chances are, they have actually struggled with it too when learning.

The key point is that they built something. A toy app, a production system, command line tools, whatever. But they built it, deployed it, and distributed it (maybe). That's the key.

Just start making something. You will fight along the way and it will be hard. But once you figure out how to do authentication properly, you will be proud of yourself (that was one thing I fought with at first). And then you will be able to build on that in the rest of your app, refine it, and move on. And you will now have an example of what you build when building future apps/tools.

Repetition is key. Do it again in something else, and you will start to 'understand' it more rather than just learn to build it.