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Zaffar  Owais
Zaffar Owais

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Mobile messaging in an ever-evolving industry

Getting in touch with people outside your country was too difficult before messaging apps became ubiquitous. Considering it was out of the question for some. The lack of international interoperability also hindered the smooth delivery of SMS messages to customers in different regions of the world using the SMS channel. A solution for streamlined communication beyond national borders was found in SMS Hubbing by GSMA in 2006.

A new structure, standards, and requirements for international SMS interoperability were developed by the GSM Association following the trial period. SMS hubs were required to follow these new changes to do away with cumbersome bilateral agreements among operators.

A Brief Explanation of SMS Hubbing

In simple terms, SMS Hubbing refers to the new method of transferring SMS between different networks. With this structure, operators no longer need to sign time-consuming and taxing bilateral agreements to pass large quantities of messages. For the smooth flow of SMS traffic internationally, SMS Hubs act as an intermediary between operators.

SMS hubs are points of connection where messages can be received and sent by worldwide operators, making it even easier for you to understand how the process works.

To ensure an unhindered flow of messages, operators had to sign agreements with others in the industry before SMS Hubbing was introduced. In spite of this, SMS had a limited international reach due to the lengthy process.

Similar to voice connectivity, where traffic is routed through Telehouses, eliminating the need for several expensive individual agreements, SMS is routed through SMS hubs. When hubs are used, it is not necessary to sign several agreements.

SMS Hubbing does not completely replace bilateral agreements, but it makes the process easier and reduces the burden on the company's exchequer.


Besides operators, Bulk SMS providers anywhere in the world must use SMS Hubs to simplify and streamline communication without sacrificing quality. In addition to saving time, the results will be phenomenal once implemented.

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