DEV Community

Discussion on: Node.js Under The Hood #7 - The new V8

artoodeeto profile image

Thanks for this. I was about to ask how does V8 supports different CPU architecture if it generates byte code directly, and then I read the turbofan. This is the coolest part of v8 after reading.

also I have a question.

LdaSmi #100
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Mul r0
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these assembly is not architecture specific right? Its generated from ignition and will be read again by v8? I was just wondering because I thought the syntax is lacking, I was used to instruction source source/destination anyway thanks for this. hope theres a next one.

_staticvoid profile image
Lucas Santos

This is actually not assembly code. This is a mid-level code representation in bytecodes (there'll be an article just about this in the future), but this is generated by ignition to be read by turbofan and the rest of the pipeline

artoodeeto profile image

ahhh. thank you thank you. nice article. thank you for your hardwork