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Discussion on: Seek-Help!

arrlancore profile image
arrlancores • Edited

Hi, maybe I can help, you can check the live version here codesandbox

function randomNumber() {
  const generateRandom = () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 50)
  const number = generateRandom();
  return number > 10 ? number : number + 10

function getLowerNumber (num) {
  let getGreaterNumber = randomNumber()
  while(getGreaterNumber >= num && getGreaterNumber !== 0) {
    getGreaterNumber = randomNumber()
  return getGreaterNumber

const cakeMade = randomNumber()
const cakeEat = getLowerNumber(cakeMade)

document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = `
<h1>Q: I made ${cakeMade} cupcakes and ate ${cakeEat ? cakeEat : 'none'} of them. How many am i left with?</h1>
<h1>A: ${cakeEat === 0 ? 'I don`t need to do any calculations.' : cakeMade - cakeEat}</h1>
avalander profile image
Avalander • Edited

Using a while loop to generate a number of eaten cupcakes smaller than the amount made is unnecessary, it's better to generate the amount of cupcakes and then use that number as the ceiling for the amount of eaten cupcakes.

function randInt(start, end) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (end - start)) + start

const made = randInt(0, 50)
const eaten = randInt(0, made)
arrlancore profile image
arrlancores • Edited

Yes it's make sense to use start-end range for eaten and or made cakes and should be better. Already updated my code on sandbox