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Aaron Esau
Aaron Esau

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Meissner Lop :: Reliable XSS Exploit Fuzzer

Project: Meissner Lop

Meissner Lop is a multithreaded dictionary/mutation-based CLI XSS exploit fuzzer capable of automatically identifying filter bypasses and injection contexts.



Link to Code

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Meissner Lop - Dictionary-based fuzzer for mutation XSS


Meissner Lop is a dictionary-based exploit fuzzer for mutation XSS.




pip3 install meissner


git clone
cd meissner
sudo ./ install


usage: meissner [-h] [--no-ansi] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--url URL] [--dictionary DICTIONARY] [--threads THREADS] [--filter FILTER] [--engine ENGINE] [cmd [cmd ...]]
Meissner Lop - Dictionary-based fuzzer for mutation XSS
positional arguments
  cmd                   the command to execute, where {xss} is the injection point

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --no-ansi, -c         disable ANSI coloring on all output
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL, -v LOG_LEVEL
                        set logging level
  --url URL, --uri URL, -u URL
                        use a URL harness, where {xss} is the injection point
                        the Meissner mutation dictionary to use
  --threads THREADS, --threads-count THREADS, -t THREADS
                        the number of threads allocated to use for engines
  --filter FILTER, -f FILTER
                        pass the input through a filter before the program
  --engine ENGINE, --browser

How I built it

Basically, it has three main components:

  • the CLI. It handles HTTP requests and raw binaries/commands by abstracting the input through "harnesses".
  • the XSS verification engines (selenium, etc). It actually verifies whether or not the alert() dialog will pop, which is cool.
  • the mutator / payload generator. This part needs the most work.

Honestly the project still has a lot of work to do. There's not really a way to "prioritize" interesting XSS cases, so all we can do is identify the filters and context, then bash it.

Hm, the template for this post asks for my stack:

Additional Thoughts

i use arch btw

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