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Arek Nawo
Arek Nawo

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TypeScript Introduction - The Basics

This post is taken from my blog, so be sure to check it out for more up-to-date content ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you have read some of my previous posts or any kind of JS blog for that matter, chances are you've heard about TypeScript. For those who haven't - TS (TypeScript official abbreviation) is nothing more than modern JavaScript with the addition of static type system. And, it's gaining a lot of attention recently. That's mainly because of the advantages it provides over standard, dynamically-typed JS. So, in this article, I'll guide you in making your first steps with TypeScript assuming you already know JavaScript. It's going to be an in-depth series covering almost everything from pure basics to some complexities. I'll try to explain it all as simple as I possibly can (pros out there - please don't accuse me of oversimplifying stuff ๐Ÿ™ƒ). Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜‰

forest trees marked with question marks

Why (not)?

Before we proceed to learn TS, let's first explore why it's worth your effort.

To start, TypeScript is a compiled language that's default compilation target is JavaScript. It's an open source project started and overseen by Microsoft. It provides built-in support for modern ES-Next features and static type system. And, while great many of day-to-day JS developers use e.g. Babel to utilize ES-Next, a concept of static typing might be something new for you (unless you've interacted with other statically-typed languages before ๐Ÿ˜).

Static typing makes types of variables known at the compile time. JS is an interpreted or JIT-compiled language with a dynamic type system. But, what's more, important for you like the programming language end user (aka consumer) is what it translates to in real-world use. In this case, static typing brings better error-proneness, and usually much finer IDE support and tooling. Thus, it can greatly improve your coding experience. As for the dynamic type system, it has its advantages too. The main one being not having to specify your types in your code directly. ๐Ÿ˜…

There are not much more reasons beyond the mentioned static type system, that would make any kind of big difference. So, if you'd like to learn TS and improve both your knowledge and development experience, follow me and discover the hidden potential of static typing.


Every feature provided in TS is non-invading, meaning that it has syntax that doesn't overlap with any part of the JS code. This makes porting your JS app back and forth relatively easily.

You can specify your variable's type using the colon (:) followed by the actual name of the type:

const myStringVariable: string = "str";
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There are 6 basic, primitive types to remember:

  • number - represents any kind of numeric value - integer or float, hex, decimal, binary etc.
  • string - represents any kind of string value;
  • boolean - represents any boolean value, i.e. true or false;
  • symbol - represents symbol values;
  • null - represents null value only;
  • undefined - represents undefined value only;

This shouldn't be anything new for you. Each one of the above types is properly documented as a part of JS language itself. This fact is only a little bit hidden because of JavaScript's dynamic type system. But, rest assured, TypeScript has much more to offer than just that. And I think we should dig deeper! ๐ŸŒŸ

More types!


Starting the list of more complex types, we have the object type. The thing to remember is that it represents any non-primitive value. Which means that primitives are not assignable. That's because almost everything in JS is an object. As you can see, TypeScript greatly respects JavaScript architecture. ๐Ÿ˜€

const myObjectVariable: object = "str"; // error
const myObjectVariable2: object = {};
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Any type, as the name suggests, indicates any possible value. It serves as a kind-of fallback, allowing you to omit type checking. It's really helpful at the beginning when porting from JS. But, it shouldn't be overused, or even better - it shouldn't be used at all! You don't use TypeScript to just type : any everywhere, do you? ๐Ÿ˜‚

let myAnyVariable: any = "str";
myAnyVariable = 10;
myAnyVariable = true;
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Void type, with its sounding name, represents the complete absence of type. This is commonly used with functions and tells the compiler that function doesn't return anything. Anything, in this case, includes undefined and null, but who cares? Both of them seemed voided anyway. ๐Ÿ˜… For your information, you most likely won't use this type with variables, but have a look at how strange it might be feel like:

let myVoidVariable: void = undefined;
myVoidVariable = null;
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Never type, according to the pure definition, represents the value that never occurs. But what exactly does it mean? Basically, it refers to e.g. return type of the function that throw/returns an error, which doesn't allow the function to have a reachable end point. It's also used with, so-called type guards (more about it later). Generally speaking, this type isn't used very often. Anyway, examples will come later, together with some more advanced stuff.


Unknown is a relatively new addition to TS types collection - it was introduced in v3.0. It's meant to be a type-safe alternative to any type. How would something like that work? Well, first, any value can be assigned to unknown, just like with any:

const myUnknownVariable: unknown = "str";
const myAnyVariable: any = "str";
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The difference appears when it comes to assigning the variable of unknown type to anything else. Here's what I mean:

let myUnknownVariable2: unknown = myUnknownVariable;
myUnknownVariable2 = myAnyVariable;

let myStringVariable: string = "str";
myStringVariable = myAnyVariable;
myStringVariable = myUnknownVariable; // error
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Unknown is not assignable to anything but itself...

That's what official TS documentation says and what generally clarifies the difference between any and unknown.

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Composition types

By that moment, we've discovered TS primitive and top types ( that's how these built-in types covered in the above section are called). Now it's time to explore some even more interesting types. Ones that don't always have their direct JS counterparts. I call them composition typesbecause they're composed of some smaller parts. Just to be clear - this name isn't official in any way. ๐Ÿ˜


In a nutshell, unions allow you to specify variable's type that you can assign different types of values to. They function as a list of possible and assignable types. They can be specified by writing your types, divided by the pipe symbol (|).

let myUnionVariable: string | number = "str";
myUnionVariable = 10;
myUnionVariable = false; // error
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Union types have incredible potential. You can use them to handle e.g. different types of parameters in functions or replace your any types with these, truly type-safe alternatives.


Literal types allow you to strictly define the possible value for the variable. Literals themselves aren't any kind of composition types, but they're so often used with e.g. unions and others, that I put them in this category. Now, how a literal type looks like? Well, just like a possible value it annotates:

let myStringLiteral: "str" = "str";
let myNumberLiteral: 10 = 10;
let myBooleanLiteral: true = true;

myStringLiteral = "string"; // error
myNumberLiteral = 1; // error
myBooleanLiteral = false // error
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I think that with the example above, you can easily understand the idea behind literal types and that you can imagine just how well these integrate with e.g. unions:

let myVariable: "on" | "off" = "off";
myVariable = "on";
myVariable = "suspend" // error
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But what if you want to literally (that's a good word here ๐Ÿ™ƒ) express some more complex value like an object? Well, you do exactly the same thing:

let myObjectLiteral: {str: string} = {str: "str"};
myObjectLiteral.str = "string";
myObrjectLiteral.num = 10; // error
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Intersection types

Intersection types are closely related to union types. While union types function like logical or, intersection types function like logical and. Thus, you can create them using the and sign (&).

const myIntersectionVariable: {str: string} & {num: number} = {
    str : "str",
    num: 10
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The created type has properties of all operands. These types are often used with object literals and other complex types and techniques which we'll cover later.


After all these types it's time to meet good old arrays. Here, I'll introduce you to the first way of typing an array value. That's because there are two methods of achieving the same goal - more on that later. For now, to denote an array type, you have to write the type for actual values of your array and proceed it by the square brackets symbol ([]).

const myStringArrayVariable: string[] = ["str", "str"]; 
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Just to remind you - you can join and use together many of previously met types. You can e.g. create a type for an array of strings and numbers with union types, or create a type for an array of literal values. The options are endless! ๐Ÿคฏ

const myUnionArrayVariable: (string | number)[] = ["str", 10];
const myLiteralArrayVariable: ("str")[] = ["str","str"];
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I guess that by that moment you already know that in TS additional spaces don't matter. Also, note the round brackets (()) in the above snippet. Just like in normal math (and also JS), they're used to group stuff together. Seems pretty logical. ๐Ÿ˜…


Structures closely related to arrays, so-called tuples can be utilized to specify a type of an array with a fixed number of elements, with all of them having strictly specified type. Take a look at the example:

const myTupleVariable: [number, string] = [10, "str"];
const myTupleVariable2: [string, number] = [10, "str"]; // error
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It explains mostly everything. To define a tuple type, you start with square brackets ([]) that are really characteristic for arrays of any kind, any include types for your tuple one by one, separated by commas. Again, pretty rationale stuff.


Enums can feel somewhat new to some JS programmers out there. But in truth, these are commonly known among statically programming languages communities. They are used to simply provide more friendly names to numeric values. For example, there's a common pattern for requiring different numbers in configuration objects or etc. That's where enums find their use-cases.

Enums are defined in a bit different way than any types we've met before. Namely, by using enumkeyword.

enum Color {Red, Green, Blue};
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In the example above we've defined an enum named Color with 3 members - Red, Green, Blue. By default, each these members start numbering from 0, increasing by 1 with every next entry. With that said, by using enums you can access both its member numeric value and name too! Let me show you what I mean. ๐Ÿ˜

Color.Red // 0
Color.Blue // 2
Color[1] // "Green"
Color[2] // "Blue"
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As you can see, you can easily use enums for standard values. But we're in TS and we're all about types here, so how to use enums as types? Well, easy enough - just like other types!

let myColorEnumVariable: Color = Color.Red;
myColorEnumVariable = 2;
myColorEnumVariable = Color[1]; // error
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So, a variable of an enum type can be actually taken as a union of number literals, I think. You can assign to it an appropriate number or value of enum member. No other values are allowed even member's names.

Now, a quick note about enums' members numbering. As I said, by default it starts from 0 and increases by one every next member. But you can actually change that by assigning the value directly.

enum Color {Red, Green = 32, Blue};
Color.Red // 0
Color.Green // 32
Color.Blue // 33
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And, in the example above, we've overridden the value of Green member. In this way, the Redvalue stays the same - 0 as by default, Green is assigned a value of 32, and Blue is 33 due to the rule of increasing by 1.

To summarize, enums are pretty useful when used properly and IMHO, they have one of the hardest or rather newest syntax for JS users to remember. But it will be very helpful when we'll be talking about interfaces, so let's move on! โšก


After learning all the types and stuff above, I think it's time to finally get to know how to properly type functions! With this knowledge, you should be able to start writing some TS code for real!

Typing a function is similar to other TS code we've written before. We still have the colons and common type-name syntax but in a different place.

function myFunction(myStringArg: string, myNumberArg: number): void
    // code
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As you can see, the arguments section of the function is followed by our standard type annotation. It informs the compiler about function's return value type. In the example above it's void. I mentioned earlier when talking about this special type, that it, in fact, indicates the absence of any type at all. This means that our function above doesn't return anything. Simple, right?

Naturally, there's more to typing a function than just the snippet above can show. What if we want to type a function expression, which is very common lately due to the popularity of arrow functions. So, how to do that?

const myFunctionExpression: (arg: string, arg2: number) => void =
(arg, arg2) => {
    // code
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Above you can have a glimpse of what function type looks like. It has similar look to standard arrow functions, doesn't it?

(arg: string, arg2: number) => void
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We supplied our variable with a function expression, in which our arguments aren't typed. That's because we've already done that with the function type and we don't have to repeat ourselves.

Function type, just like any other type, can also be used as argument's type for another function.

function myFunction(funcArg: () => void): void {
    // code
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Here as an argument, I take a function which doesn't take any arguments and doesn't return anything. Again, remember that these can be easily blended with other TS types. ๐Ÿ˜‰

But what if you want to take an additional, not-required argument? How to note that something is just optional? Easy - by proceeding your argument's name with the question mark (?)!

function myFunction(myArg: number, myOptionalArg?: string): void {
    // code
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You can have much more than just 1 optional argument. But, for obvious reasons, they cannot be followed by required arguments of any kind. There's a longer syntax for defining optional arguments, have you already thought of that?

function myFunction(myArg: number, myOptionalArg: string | undefined): void {
    // code
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Yeah, this question mark just puts your type in union with undefined. And, as the same syntax for optional things is used in some more places, it's worth knowing that it can't be used everywhere. In such places, you can use the above syntax, and it'll always work. ๐Ÿ˜

grayscale photography of vintage car engine

Some more functionalities

By this point (if you read the article naturally), you have a good understanding of some TS type - some basic and more complex ones. But there's much, much more to TS than just that! So, let's explore some interesting stuff that can make your TS life easier! ๐Ÿ‘

Type inference

Until now, in all previous snippets, we were strictly defining our types one by one. It almost seemed like statically-typed languages require just much more writing to be done! Don't be scared my friend - they don't! Many of these languages feature so-called type inference which allows the compiler to select the proper type for a particular variable without any special annotations. So, in places where your variables are assigned to their values just when they're declared, or when it comes to your functions' return types, you can feel free to remove your type annotation and still take advantage of all static typing goodness.

const myStringVariable = "str"; // string
const myNumberVariable = 10; // number
const myObjectVariable = {
    str: "str",
    num: 10
}; // {str: string, num: number}
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As you can see, type inference makes our code look much cleaner and just better overall.

Type inference works by inferring the best common type. This means that the inferred type is just meant to be as general as possible. So, if you want to allow only e.g. strictly defined literal types, you still have to strictly annotate them.

Type guards

Remember unions? When I introduced them a while ago, did you think about how unions handle certain stuff? Because, you know, when a variable has type string, the IDE can use that information and provide you with a number of helpful things, e.g. proper autocompletion for JS string type methods. But, when the variable has type string | number then the IDE can only show you the methods that are shared between these types. What's worse, you can only assign such variable to places where it is directly specified that string | number is allowed. But what if you want to assign something like this to type string or number separately?

Well, think about it. First, you have to make sure that your variable that can have two types is exactly of the required type. How can you achieve that? With so-called type guards. And type guards is nothing more than just a fancy TS name for probably well-known to you JS operators: typeof and instanceof. In TS they have no additional functionalities over JS, so you use them just like in JS. What they do under-the-hood tho, is making your variable's type limited to a certain type - in our example it's number.

const myUnionVariable: string | number = 10;

function myFunction(arg: number) {
    // code

myFunction(myUnionVariable); // error
if( typeof myUnionVariable === "string" ){
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You can also easily define your own type guards by either checking if the value has a certain property, is equal to something and etc. Such type guards take a form of functions with the certain return type.

function isOne(num: number): num is 1 {
    return num === 1;

const myNumberVariable: number = 1; // number
isOne(myNumberVariable) // 1
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Your type guard is a function that returns boolean. If it's true, your argument takes the previously annotated type. This annotation is done in the function's return type with the is keyword, having an argument's name on the left and type to convert to if the function returns true on the right. Fairly simple and straight-forward, but extremely useful when it comes to complex structures and types.

Type casting

Typecasting (also called type assertion) is an incredibly powerful technique used in many (if not all) statically-typed languages. It's useful when you know more about variable's type than the compiler does. That's an especially common case when your compilation target is a dynamically-typed language, like JS. Basically, it allows you to change the type of your variable without any restrictions, by brute-force. ๐Ÿ‘Š In TypeScript, there are 2 different syntaxes serving this purpose.

const myAnyVariable: any = "str";

const myStringVariable: string = <string>myAnyVariable;
const myStringVariable2: string = myAnyVariable as string;
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You can either precede the variable you cast by angle brackets (<>) with target type inside or by using the as keyword followed by target type. There's no difference between these methods, so feel free to choose your best.

Now, in the example above I cast the variable of any type to string but this is something that you might not even stumble upon if you don't use any in your code (strongly recommended). But, believe it or not, type casting has much more use-cases. Just be sure to not overuse it, as it can drastically limit the type-safety of your code without notice.

A lot to cover

If you've read this article up to this point, then congratulation - you've made your first steps in TypeScript and the world of statically-typed languages in general. But there's still a lot more to cover! So, if you like this post, consider sharing it with others who would very much want to learn TS and leave a thumb up or any reaction below, to let me know if you want a follow-up where I'd discuss more advanced topics like interfaces, generics, and some other cool techniques! Also, follow me on Twitter and on my Facebook page to stay up-to-date with this series and a lot more interesting content about JS!

I hoped this article brought you some insights about TS and encourage you to broaden your knowledge. Again, sorry if I didn't explain everything super in-detail and technically, as this was meant to be a friendly, introductory tutorial. ๐Ÿ˜ Anyway, thanks for reading and see you next time! ๐Ÿš€

Top comments (3)

eljayadobe profile image

Nice rundown of TypeScript!

I think it is also worth pointing out that TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. That means that if you cut-n-paste a chunk of JavaScript code into a *.ts file it is valid TypeScript too.

The killer feature that TypeScript brings to the table is all that type information -- whether explicit or implicit -- allows for a thorough static analysis for type checking.

For small JavaScript programs, that type checking is not a big value. But for larger web application programs, that type checking becomes invaluable. It eliminates an otherwise very error prone part of JavaScript, especially for larger programs.

Another killer feature of TypeScript -- which probably is less killer now that ES6 has been out for several years -- was that TypeScript brought ES6 functionality to ES3 and ES5. A sort of "polyfill" for the language syntax, handled by the compiler (also called the transpiler).

The third killer feature of TypeScript is that it provides a simple syntax that compiles into idiomatic and correct JavaScript. One of the systemic problems with JavaScript is that developers don't always cross all the ts and dot all the is for all the boilerplate code. TypeScript never falters on making all the correct boilerplate.

What's the cutoff? I think any JavaScript code that is more than a hundred lines long can greatly benefit by making it TypeScript, and annotating the type information or rely on the type inference.

How does it stack up to the competition? Elm, CoffeeScript, CoffeeScript 2, GorillaScript...? Others...?

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. So if you are an ES6 guru, you'll find TypeScript to be ES6 with a delicious sprinkling of type annotation.

Those other languages which compile to JavaScript are, themselves, not JavaScript. But you often need to be very aware of JavaScript peculiarities, in order not to make silly mistakes.

Elm is a function-first functional programming language. If you like Haskell or OCaml or F#, you'll probably be very happy with Elm. The downside to Elm is that it is undergoing tremendous growth (and churn) as the language evolves, so be prepared to be on the bleeding edge.

CoffeeScript and CoffeeScript 2 does for JavaScript what Groovy and Kotlin do for JVM, and what Boo! does for .NET (although Boo! hasn't caught on like Groovy or Kotlin). They are a kinder, gentler, friendlier, expressive language that compile to JavaScript. CoffeeScript does not compile to ES6. CoffeeScript 2 adds constructs to target ES6, and compiles to ES6. However, CoffeeScript 2 has a few "gotchas" for some ES6-isms, which hopefully will improve over time. What CoffeeScript and CoffeeScript 2 do not do is provide the static analysis facility that TypeScript provides.

GorillaScript... lol. I had to throw it out there, because GorillaScript is an abandoned effort, but one that I had tracked with high hopes. It was a better CoffeeScript than CoffeeScript. Alas, it isn't an ongoing thing anymore.

I think it would be so cool if CoffeeScript 2's syntactical succinct sweetness was somehow combined with TypeScript's type inference & explicit typing, static analysis, and boilerplate magic.

I used TypeScript 0.8 (and a version before that) from 2012 to 2014. That version did not have type union, and we felt the pain of not having that. It's nice to see that has been added! The other enhancements to TypeScript also look very nice.

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Taylor Short

main driver behind wanting to learn TS? We share initials

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Mihail Malo

Taylor Swift? :O
Big fan!