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Release 0.2 - PR #4

Issue I worked on

For my last PR, I contributed to the se-unlocked repo which manages the transcripts for the Software Engineering Unlocked podcast.

I worked on issue #132, which involved making improvements to the transcript for Episode 53. Each of the transcripts is automatically generated, thus they contain many minor errors throughout which have to be adjusted manually by contributors.

I browsed the document for the Episode 53 transcript and made various changes, including grammar improvements and adjusting the script so it matched what was actually spoken in the podcast episode.

Preparation for the fix

To prepare for the fix, I first had to review the relevant podcast episode on their website, viewable here.

Additionally, I had to ensure that any changes I made were consistent with the formatting rules outlined in the project's instructions on editing transcripts.

Code Explanation

This fix did not involve any changes to the code.

The associated file can be found here:


No programming-related research was required to complete the fix for this issue.

Although, I did have to familiarize myself with the formatting rules outlined in the project's documentation. Additionally,

Interactions with project maintainers

I had no noteworthy interactions with the project maintainers.


I did not find this issue to be very difficult to work on. I had to familiarize myself with the project's formatting rules for transcripts, I found this mildly tedious though not difficult.

Link to Pull Request

PR #179

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