DEV Community

Discussion on: Namespaces and Javascript: I Don’t Know What I’m Doing

anduser96 profile image
Andrei Gatej

What I would do is to have a file from which I export constant variables.
For example:
const addPost = ‘post/add’
const addComment = ‘comment/add’

At least one downside of using this approach would be that you have to include this file everywhere you are going to use that specific function for that specific namespace.

I have tried this when developing a Vue app with Vuex, but fortunately, Vuex has also the concept of namespaced modules(I know I’m going a little bit beyond the scope of the article).

Here is a demo of both implementations:

Hope you found this useful!

jacoby profile image
Dave Jacoby

If you'll excuse me, I'm not really seeing what that buys me. I guess I knew that const was added to ES at the same time as let. Can you do const addPost = function () { /* adding post here */ }?

My prime concern is keeping my "toys" to the corner of the "playground" so nobody else's stuff gets mixed up in mine, and vice versa. It isn't immediately clear what this does to help me.

(Disclaimer: JS Dev is one of the hats I wear only rarely. I've looked at Vue.JS once, maybe. People tell me it's nice.)

anduser96 profile image
Andrei Gatej

I’m sorry, now that I look twice, my answer is pretty misleading.

But just to finish my idea:
const addPost = ‘post/add’
You could define this as an obj prop:
addPost { ...}

Anyway, it doesn’t seem to be practical. There are definitely better ways that have already been mentioned.