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Discussion on: What’s the best JavaScript framework?

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Andrew Brown 🇨🇦 • Edited


Pending its completion.

import * as m from 'mithril'
import { Component } from 'monster'

import JourneyChapter from 'components/journey_chapter'

export default class Journey extends Component
      presence: true
      array: true
    target: true
    user: true
    console.log 'chapters', @chapters
    m 'section.journey',
      m '.wrap',
        m '.section_title'
          m 'h3', 'Your Journey'
          m '.clear'
        m '.body',
          m '.chapters_wrap'
            m '.chapters',
              for chapter in @chapters
                m JourneyChapter,
                  chapter: chapter
                  target: target
                  user: user

It's used to power ExamPro and I've been working on an end-to-end tutorial on how to use it:

I organized the code into star trek-like departments

The CLI is also star trek inspired. So when you want to create a new app you type:

computer begin program <name-of-web-app>

Why create a new Javascript framework?
Modern framework feels over-engineered. I want to have the productivity that I used to have but I need a framework that is:

  • isomorphic,
  • solves all common use cases
  • has a strong dsl
  • with great documentation.