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andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

I would suggest neither and become a Solution Architect in 2019 and think about specialization in the next 3 years to ensure job security and career growth.

I was full-stacker for 12 years but stopped because the market is now being saturated by full-stackers coming out of bootcamps. Even though I'm a master of the full-stack I was seeing salary cap at 120K CAD. This may be good pay for someone 3 years into their career but over a decade in and with a growing family, not something that would work for me.

Front-end is honestly a dead-end for career growth especially front-end React. In Toronto its the most requested job but once the React work is done most people are let go 6 months to 1 year later because the react work is done. I tried to warn bootcamp graduates and sad to see it happen so frequently.

AWS is so much in demand if you hold an AWS Professional Certification you can see salaries starting at 100K CAD and not uncommon to see 140K CAD+. This I believe won't last long as it should only take 2-3 years for the market to catch up since this is why I suggest thinking of specializing or having hybrid skills.

ziker22 profile image

Great answer thanks for that. I have to agree that react/vue/angular frontend is dead end. Im currently on senior frontend position usually leading teams and i can see that you have either projects lasting up to 6 months(not stable) or long running projects usually telco or banking where i live(boring).
I really love writing code so managment role is out of the question for now. I guess i will give full stack a chance. Solution architect is bit ambitious i think since im professional only about 6 years