DEV Community

Douglas R Andreani
Douglas R Andreani

Posted on

Challenge: Write the recursive Fibonacci algorithm in a different language.

Hellow DEV community, how are you?

Can we challenge ourselves in this fun "game"?

Let's see how many languages we can enumerate by writing the Fibonacci recursive algorithm on the comments. Are you in?

EDIT: this is not about having the fast/better code, just to have some fun

Latest comments (51)

jdsteinhauser profile image
Jason Steinhauser

Argh, I was going to write a similar one in Elixir! I do like your join with the arrow!

yorodm profile image
Yoandy Rodriguez Martinez • Edited

An Emacs Lisp version. Warning!! This will likely freeze your Emacs!!

(defun fib(n)
          ((= n 0) 0)
          ((= n 1) 1)
          (t (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))

Just realized it counts as a Common Lisp version too

tarzan212 profile image

Lord, we got it, you're the best fibonnaci solver out there. Congratulations on this!

marvodor profile image

Here's a Python variant for quite large numbers. Alas, due to recursion depth restrictions, any new calculated Fibonacci number should not have a larger sequence position than about 500 more than that of the highest already calculated.

def fib(a, F={}):
    if a in F:
        return F[a]
    if a < 2:
        return 1
    f = fib(a-1)
    F[a-1] = f
    return f + fib(a-2)

for i in range(0,50001,500):
    print("fib(%i) = %i"%(i,fib(i)))
jvanbruegge profile image
Jan van Brügge • Edited

I have haskell here with the best form of recursion: Self-recursion!

fibs = 1:1:zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
fib n = fibs !! n

Here fibs is an infinite List of all fibonacci numbers, the !! function returns the nth element of the list.

jvanbruegge profile image
Jan van Brügge

I also have the boring tail recursive version here:

fib n = fibHelper n 1 1
    where fibHelper  0 a  _ = a
          fibHelper !n a !b = fibHelper (n-1) b (a+b)
dwd profile image
Dave Cridland
#include <iostream>

constexpr long long fibonacci(long long i) {
    if (i <= 2) {
        return 1LL;
    return fibonacci(i - 1) + fibonacci(i - 2);

int main() {
    std::cout << "Fibonacci of 27 is " << fibonacci(27) << std::endl;
    return 0;

Modern C++ can do it more simply, though - this uses constexpr to tell the compiler that it can calculate these at build time if it wants. Using a constexpr arg (here a literal), it probably will do, but we could also pass in a variable to make it calculate it at runtime.

dwd profile image
Dave Cridland
#include <iostream>

template<long long i> long long fibonacci() {
    return fibonacci<i-1>() + fibonacci<i-2>();

template<> long long fibonacci<1>() {
    return 1;

template<> long long fibonacci<2>() {
    return 1;

int main() {
    std::cout << "Fibonacci of 27 is " << fibonacci<27>() << std::endl;
    return 0;

C++ can, of course, do it at build time with a bit of templates.

Here, we're definitely recursing - twice, because it's simpler. At runtime, it's just printing the value out that's been calculated by the compiler during the build.

dwd profile image
Dave Cridland
def fib(arg):
  curr, prev = 1, 1
  n = int(arg)
  if n != arg or n <= 0:
    raise ValueError("Argument must be positive integer")
  if n <= 2:
    return 1
  for count in range(n - 2):
    curr, prev = curr + prev, curr
  return curr

Quick bit of Python. The error handling probably isn't complete, but Python has the useful benefit here that it has native, transparent, Big Number support - you can do fib(10000) if you want (or much higher if you have the memory).

But yeah, I just noticed Douglas wanted a recusrive algorithm, whereas I've done it iteratively without thinking. In general, iterative solutions will execute faster - though this isn't always the case.

claytonflesher profile image
Clayton Flesher

As a Ruby fan, I'm sure glad Ruby has such a great ambassador in here.

sam_ferree profile image
Sam Ferree


v   >:1-\2-101O\101O+B
fxedel profile image
Felix Edelmann

I did this some time ago in Rust.

My first approach (the naive one) is very similar to @rapidnerd 's (George Marr's) solution in R and @andreanidouglas ' (Douglas R Andreani's) solution in Python:

fn fib(n: u64) -> u64 {
  match n {
    0 => 0,
    1 => 1,
    _ => fib(n-1) + fib(n-2),

I realized that this solution quickly exceeded in execution time for n > 40, so I optimized it using a mathematical theorem:

Given that n and p are integers, and that n = 2p + 1, i. e. n is odd, the n-th fibonacci number is then

fib(n) = fib(p + (p+1)) = fib(p)² + fib(p+1)²

This means, we can break down numbers with odd indices into to numbers with about the half of the index – and do this again and again and again. This dramatically reduces execution time:

fn fib_fast(n: u64) -> u64 {
  match n {
    0 => 0,
    1 => 1,

    // even
    _ if n % 2 == 0 => fib_fast(n-1) + fib_fast(n-2),

    // odd
    _ => {
      let a = (n-1)/2;
      let b = n-a;
      let fib_a = fib_fast(a);
      let fib_b = fib_fast(b);
      return fib_a*fib_a + fib_b*fib_b;

Inspired by @avalander 's answer, I also added this even faster algorithm:

fn fib_super_fast(n: u64, i: u64, curr: u64, prev: u64) -> u64 {
  if i >= n {
    return curr;

  return fib_super_fast(n, i + 1, curr + prev, curr);

fib_fast and fib_super_fast execute within microseconds even for higher indices. However, indices of 94 and higher cause a crash:

thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to add with overflow', src/

Some performance measurements:

Enter n:
fib_super_fast(n) = 5 (0µs)
fib_fast(n)       = 5 (0µs)
fib(n)            = 5 (1µs)

Enter n:
fib_super_fast(n) = 6765 (1µs)
fib_fast(n)       = 6765 (10µs)
fib(n)            = 6765 (536µs)

Enter n:
fib_super_fast(n) = 102334155 (1µs)
fib_fast(n)       = 102334155 (54µs)
fib(n)            = 102334155 (1908011µs)

Enter n:
fib_super_fast(n) = 1134903170 (2µs)
fib_fast(n)       = 1134903170 (15µs)
fib(n)            = 1134903170 (21216762µs)

Enter n:
fib_super_fast(n) = 2880067194370816120 (2µs)
fib_fast(n)       = 2880067194370816120 (958µs)

Enter n:
fib_super_fast(n) = 12200160415121876738 (3µs)
fib_fast(n)       = 12200160415121876738 (152µs)

Enter n:
thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to add with overflow', src/
gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

Just for a nice style, you could factor out the returns as if is an expression...

fn fib_super_fast(n: u64, curr: u64, prev: u64) -> u64 {
  if n == 0 {
  } else {
    fib_super_fast(n - 1, curr + prev, curr)
avalander profile image
Avalander • Edited


Since writing my implementation I've remembered that the parameter i is unnecessary and you can decrease n instead until it's 0.

fn fib_super_fast(n: u64, curr: u64, prev: u64) -> u64 {
  if n <= 0 {
    return curr;

  return fib_super_fast(n - 1, curr + prev, curr);

By the way, you didn't set default values for curr and prev, how does that work, do you need to call it with fib_super_fast(n, 1, 0)?

fxedel profile image
Felix Edelmann

Yes, I do. But I have to use fib_super_fast(n, 1, 1, 0) as my other implementations also begin with 1. The code for calling the fibonacci methods is:

fn main() {
  loop {
    println!("Enter n:");

    let mut n_str = String::new();
    io::stdin().read_line(&mut n_str).expect("Failed to read line");
    let n = user_input_to_int(n_str);

    let t0 = SystemTime::now();
    let fib_super_fast_n = fib_super_fast(n, 1, 1, 0);
    let t1 = SystemTime::now();
    println!("fib_super_fast(n) = {} ({}µs)", fib_super_fast_n, time_difference(t0, t1));

    let t0 = SystemTime::now();
    let fib_fast_n = fib_fast(n);
    let t1 = SystemTime::now();
    println!("fib_fast(n)       = {} ({}µs)", fib_fast_n, time_difference(t0, t1));

    let t0 = SystemTime::now();
    let fib_n = fib(n);
    let t1 = SystemTime::now();
    println!("fib(n)            = {} ({}µs)", fib_n, time_difference(t0, t1));
gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes • Edited

Common Lisp!

(defun fib (n &optional (curr 0) (next 1)) 
  (if (zerop n) 
      (fib (1- n) next (+ curr next))))

(and for the TCO crowd... it's implementation dependent, so YMMV)

nestedsoftware profile image
Nested Software • Edited

Respectfully, if you want to help newbies on a general issue such as recursion, just make a top-level comment addressing this problem. Show an example of the problem and suggest ways it can be fixed. That way, if the community deems the comment to be helpful, it will bubble up near the top of the discussion and it will be one of the first comments that newbies encounter.

In this manner, you won't be repeating the same comment all over the place, and you will have something clear that novices can wrap their minds around. In my opinion, making grumpy statements to the effect of "this crashes when the input reaches X" doesn't really help the very novices you say you most want to reach.

Edit: Added "in my opinion" :)

nestedsoftware profile image
Nested Software

@mudasobwa I think pointing out a defect, or even just something that can be improved is fine. However I do think that making your point once is good enough. Also I recommend an approach where you say something like “this works fine when N is small enough, but you can extend the domain of this function to larger input values if you avoid using recursion.” If you can make your point while remaining friendly, why not do so?

rapidnerd profile image

I'll continue with it in R

fibR <- function(n) {
    if ((n == 0) | (n == 1)) 
        return(fibR(n-1) + fibR(n-2))


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