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Andrea Mucci
Andrea Mucci

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Microservices E-commerce Boutique Tutorial— Part 2

In this second part of the tutorial we will create the first microservice of our project. Being the first contact with a Minos microservice, we will delve into the structure of the project and its main features.

Create de Product Microservice
from the project folder we have to call the following Minos CLI commands:

$:(venv)>cd microservices
$:(venv)>minos new microservice product

The cli will ask us some questions:

  • The name of the microservice ( product )
  • What kind of language do we want to use ( python ): for the moment Minos only supports Python, but the future has some great surprises in store ;-)
  • The microservice version ( 0.1.0 )
  • The name of the RootEntity (product ). For the moment leave the configuration by default, later we will explain what a RootEntity is and what it is for.
  • The package manager ( poetry ). For the moment we support only Poetry as package manager.
  • The deploy that we want to use ( docker-compose ). In our previous post we set Kubernetes as our deployment service, so we maintain the same deployment for the microservices.
  • A series of questions about the general information of the project, such as the description, the name of the developer, etc.

The Microservice Folder structure

Microservice Project Structure

  • The src contain all the python project files.
  • The tests all the unit tests files.
  • In the root folder we have all the configuration files and the Poetry files.
  • In the root folder we have the Dockefile as well.

Let’s take a look at the config.yml file.

  name: product
  aggregate: src.aggregates.Product
    lock_pool: minos.common.PostgreSqlLockPool
    postgresql_pool: minos.common.PostgreSqlPool
    broker_publisher: minos.plugins.kafka.InMemoryQueuedKafkaBrokerPublisher
    broker_subscriber_builder: minos.plugins.kafka.InMemoryQueuedKafkaBrokerSubscriberBuilder
    broker_pool: minos.networks.BrokerClientPool
    transaction_repository: minos.aggregate.PostgreSqlTransactionRepository
    event_repository: minos.aggregate.PostgreSqlEventRepository
    snapshot_repository: minos.aggregate.PostgreSqlSnapshotRepository
    saga_manager: minos.saga.SagaManager
    discovery: minos.networks.DiscoveryConnector
    product_repository: src.ProductQueryRepository
    - minos.networks.BrokerHandlerService
    - minos.networks.RestService
    - minos.networks.PeriodicTaskSchedulerService
  - minos.saga.transactional_command
  - minos.aggregate.TransactionService
  - minos.aggregate.SnapshotService
  - minos.saga.SagaService
  - src.queries.ProductQueryService
  - src.commands.ProductCommandService
  port: 8080
  host: localhost
  port: 9092
    database: product_db
    user: minos
    password: min0s
    host: localhost
    port: 5432
    records: 1000
    retry: 2
  database: product_db
  user: minos
  password: min0s
  host: localhost
  port: 5432
  database: product_db
  user: minos
  password: min0s
  host: localhost
  port: 5432
    path: ./product.lmdb
  client: minos.plugins.minos_discovery.MinosDiscoveryClient
  host: localhost
  port: 5567
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This file contains all the configurations of the microservice.
From here you can:

  • Modify the configurations of the database
  • Select the broker or the section injections
  • Use the plugins provided by Minos
  • Usa a custom plugin, for example RabbitMQ.

In this tutorial we will not go into detail on how to reconfigure the microservice, we will use the default data.
Well, now let’s get into the code in python (finally !!!).
The src folder contains:

Microservice code structure

  • the commands module.
  • the queries module.
  • the aggregates file.

Let’s see what each of them does.


An Aggregate defines a self-contained grouping of entities, which is treated as a single, atomic unit. A change to any of the entities is considered to be a change to the entire Aggregate.

Ok, let’s try to clarify the concept a little better. In our microservice we know that we will deal with the product catalog, so our main Entity or RootEntity is Product.
A product will have the following attributes:

  • id: uuid string
  • name: string
  • description: text
  • picture: string
  • price Entity
    • id: string
    • currencyCode: string
    • units: int
  • categories: list

Notice that Price is an Entity, and Categories is a list or Value Object, we will delve into that in a moment.
Before, see how we reflect this model in the

# ....

class Price(Entity):
    currency: str
    units: int

class Category(ValueObject):
    name: str

class Product(RootEntity):
    """Productcatalog RootEntity class."""
    name: str
    description: str
    picture: str
    price: Price
    categories: ValueObjectSet[Category]


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From the code it is clear that

  • An Entity is very similar to the concept of Model that we have encountered in other frameworks such as Django, for example.
  • The name, description and picture attributes use the native Python typing and are therefore strings (str).
  • The price, on the other hand, is a reference to an Entity class called Price. An Entity class is very similar to a RootEntity and the reference is very similar to the ForeignKey of a classic ORM, so Product has an OneToOne relationship with Price.
  • Categories, on the other hand, has a different concept, at first sight it would seem a “normal” OneToMany relationship (and it is), but this relationship does not take place through an id, instead the given list of categories is loaded entirely inside the object Product.

Now we have our set of Entities ready, it is time to create a set of methods to manage them and this is where the aggregate comes into play.
We will create three basic CRUD methods: add, get and delete.

from uuid import (

from minos.aggregate import (
    RootEntity, Entity, ValueObject, ValueObjectSet

class Price(Entity):
    currency: str
    units: int

class Category(ValueObject):
    name: str

class Product(RootEntity):
    """Product RootEntity class."""
    name: str
    description: str
    picture: str
    price: Price
    categories: ValueObjectSet[Category]

class ProductAggregate(Aggregate[Product]):
    """ProductAggregate class."""

    async def getProduct(uid) -> Product:
        product = await Product.get(uid)
        return product

    async def createProduct(data: {}) -> UUID:
        """Create a new instance."""
        price = Price(**data['price'])
        data['price'] = price
        if 'categories' in data:
            cat_list = []
            for category in data['categories']:
                category_object = Category(**category)
        data['categories'] = set(cat_list)
        root = await Product.create(**data)
        return root.uuid

    async def deleteProduct(uid) -> UUID:
        """Create a new instance."""
        product = await Product.get(uid)
        return product.uuid

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These operations will change the state of the Event Storer.
What can we do with the Aggregate class? The aggregate mainly works with the Event Storer and the Snapshot (in other articles we will describe better what are those two patterns and how Minos implement them), so the Aggregate class is extensively used in the Command Service.

Command Service

CQRS separates reads and writes into different models, using commands to update data, and queries to read data.

In Minos, the Command Service is in charge of modifying the Event Storer and exposing the commands for that purpose.
In our Command Service we want to define three main commands:

  • create_product
  • get_product_by_id
  • delete_product

from minos.cqrs import (
from minos.networks import (

from ..aggregates import (

class ProductCommandService(CommandService):
    """ProductCommandService class.""""GetProductById")
    async def get_product_by_id(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        """Create a new ``Product`` instance.
        :param request: The ``Request`` instance.
        :return: A ``Response`` instance.
            content = request.content()  # get the request payload
            product = await ProductAggregate.getProduct(content['uid'])
            return Response(product)
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ResponseException(f"An error occurred during the Query process: {exc}")"/product", "POST")"CreateProduct")
    async def create_product(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        """Create a new ``Product`` instance.
        :param request: The ``Request`` instance.
        :return: A ``Response`` instance.
            content = await request.content()  # get the request payload
            uuid = await ProductAggregate.createProduct(content)
            return Response({"uuid": uuid})
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ResponseException(f"An error occurred during the Product creation: {exc}")"/product/{uuid}", "DELETE")"DeleteProduct")
    async def delete_product(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        """Delete a  ``Product`` .
        :param request: The ``Request`` instance.
        :return: A ``Response`` instance.
            params = request.params()  # get the url params [uuid]
            uuid = params['uuid']
            uuid = await ProductAggregate.deleteProduct(uuid)
            return Response({"uuid": uuid})
        except Exception as exc:
            raise ResponseException(f"An error occurred during Product delete: {exc}")

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Let’s take some time to analyze the Command Service.
As you can see the methods have been decorated with two different functions:“…”, “POST”)

The Command Service receive the enrouting from the REST interface for all the following HTTP commands:

  • POST
  • PUT

then, the “” decorator, instructs the REST Interface to enroute all the calls to a specific method.….)

This decorator, as its name implies, routes the broker’s calls, hence the events coming from the broker. Although it may seem confusing to talk about events within the Command Service, it is necessary to clarify that the Commands are Events with a different payload.
There remains only one method in our Command Service that has a different functionality than the others.

async def get_product_by_id(…)

So far we have said that the Command Service takes care of doing the Write operations on the Event Storer, so why put a retrieve method?
The answer is simple, because the Command Service has the duty to carry out the writes but, at the same time, it is the communication interface between the microservices themselves.
Whenever a microservice needs to add data or request data from another microservice, it has to go through the Command Service Interface. Moreover, the queries, passing through the Event Storer, will always maintain data consistency.

Query Service
The query Service is the service that is responsible for returning the data. The Query Service, unlike the Command Service, does not read from the Event Storer, hindsight from a database that the programmer has chosen.
To do this we will use two features offered by Minos

  • MinosSetup
  • Dependency injection

The Minos CLI will provide a default configuration of the Query Service with SQLAlchemy and postgreSQL. The postgreSQL host would be the same used for the Event Storer.

If you need to configure something during the startup process of the microservice, extend MinosSetup class would be the solution.
Open the file

from minos.common import MinosSetup, MinosConfig
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

from .models import Base, Product, Price, Categories

class ProductQueryRepository(MinosSetup):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.engine = create_engine("postgresql+psycopg2://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}".format(**kwargs))
        Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine)
        self.session = Session()

    async def _setup(self) -> None:

    def _from_config(cls, *args, config: MinosConfig, **kwargs):
        return cls(*args, **(config.repository._asdict() | {"database": "product_query_db"}) | kwargs)

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In the file you already have all the injections configured and the information coming from the MinosConfig instance.
The provide the declarative base class from sqlalchemy.

from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

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From that point, we can add all the sqlalchemy models we need. For our product microservice we replicate the aggregate structure

from sqlalchemy import Column, String, Text, Float, Integer, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base, relationship, backref

Base = declarative_base()

class Price(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'price'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    uuid = Column(String(30))
    currency = Column(String)
    units = Column(Float)

class Categories(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'categories'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)
    product_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    product = relationship("Product", backref=backref("categories"))

class Product(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'product'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    uuid = Column(String(30))
    name = Column(String(80))
    description = Column(Text, nullable=True)
    picture = Column(String(120), nullable=True)
    price_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    price = relationship("Price", backref=backref("product", uselist=False))
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Dependency injection

Once the query service database has been configured, we can start configuring our QueryService.

from dependency_injector.wiring import Provide
from minos.aggregate import (
from minos.cqrs import (
from minos.networks import (

from src.queries.repository import ProductQueryRepository

class ProductQueryService(QueryService):
    """ProductQueryService class."""

    repository: ProductQueryRepository = Provide["product_repository"]"/products", "GET")
    async def get_products(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        """Get a Product instance.
        :param request: A request instance..
        :return: A response exception.
        return Response(self.repository.get_all())"/product/{uuid}", "GET")
    async def get_product(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        """Get a Product instance.
        :param request: A request instance..
        :return: A response exception.
        params = request.params()
        product = self.repository.get(params['uuid'])
        return Response(product)"ProductCreated")
    async def product_created(self, request: Request) -> None:
        """Handle the Product creation events.
        :param request: A request instance containing the aggregate difference.
        :return: This method does not return anything.
        event: Event = await request.content()
    async def product_updated(self, request: Request) -> None:
        """Handle the Product update events.
        :param request: A request instance containing the aggregate difference.
        :return: This method does not return anything.
        event: Event = await request.content()
    async def product_deleted(self, request: Request) -> None:
        """Handle the Product deletion events.
        :param request: A request instance containing the aggregate difference.
        :return: This method does not return anything.
        event: Event = await request.content()
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In our QueryService, we integrate HTTP GET commands and the events coming from our microservice and, if needed, events from others microservices.
The treatment of the events in the QueryService is a very important milestone. The events are generated by the Aggregates during the CUD processes, so the QueryService can get all that information and from that point create the structure of the data.
In the 3 part of this tutorial we will deploy the product microservice and all the services required and we test it.

If you found this article interesting, then remember to leave a star in the Minos repository

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