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[Comment from a deleted post]
anaguib profile image
Ahmed Naguib

It's hard to tell without having a look at your app-deployment.yml, but my guess is : It seems that you have a step in your deployment to access swagger endpoint, but at that point the pod is not alive yet, so that's why it gives a 404. You may want to check

marluanespiritusanto profile image
Marluan Espirituanto

Here an example of my app-deployment.yml

Jenkins project configuration

I apreciate your help :(

anaguib profile image
Ahmed Naguib

I still don't see swagger here. Can you maybe search in that directory for "swagger" to see where this


comes from ?

marluanespiritusanto profile image
Marluan Espirituanto

I'll tell you what the problem really is:
This is my local enviroment:

  1. Ubuntu server
  2. I have the following installed on the server:
    • Docker
    • Minikube and kubectl
    • Jenkins

I made kubectl and minikube installation following the official documentation: Kubernetes documentation . The same with Jenkins

The idea is to create a CI and cd with a Jenkins pipeline. You can see the project structure here, in Kubernetes setup pipeline you can see that I execute sh("kubectl get nodes -v=8") for a simple test, I got the same error: Error from server (NotFound): the server could not find the requested resource

This is the log Jenkins Pipeline log:

Started by GitLab push by Marluan Guerrero
Obtained Jenkinsfile from git http://archdev-repo.csid.local/M.Guerrero/FacebookAutocampaignApi.git
Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
[Pipeline] node
Running on Jenkins in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/facebook-pipeline
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Kubernetes Setup)
[Pipeline] sh
[facebook-pipeline] Running shell script
+ kubectl get nodes -v=8
I0706 05:48:21.019414   48887 round_trippers.go:414] GET http://localhost:8080/api
I0706 05:48:21.019438   48887 round_trippers.go:421] Request Headers:
I0706 05:48:21.019444   48887 round_trippers.go:424]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0706 05:48:21.019449   48887 round_trippers.go:424]     User-Agent: kubectl/v1.9.2 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/5fa2db2
I0706 05:48:21.023245   48887 round_trippers.go:439] Response Status: 302 Found in 3 milliseconds
I0706 05:48:21.023296   48887 round_trippers.go:442] Response Headers:
I0706 05:48:21.023302   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Server: Jetty(9.4.z-SNAPSHOT)
I0706 05:48:21.023307   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2018 12:48:21 GMT
I0706 05:48:21.023311   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
I0706 05:48:21.023316   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Location: http://localhost:8080/api/
I0706 05:48:21.023344   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Content-Length: 0
I0706 05:48:21.026555   48887 round_trippers.go:414] GET http://localhost:8080/api/
I0706 05:48:21.026566   48887 round_trippers.go:421] Request Headers:
I0706 05:48:21.026572   48887 round_trippers.go:424]     Accept: application/json, */*
I0706 05:48:21.026577   48887 round_trippers.go:424]     Referer: http://localhost:8080/api
I0706 05:48:21.026581   48887 round_trippers.go:424]     User-Agent: kubectl/v1.9.2 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/5fa2db2
I0706 05:48:21.029608   48887 round_trippers.go:439] Response Status: 200 OK in 3 milliseconds
I0706 05:48:21.029626   48887 round_trippers.go:442] Response Headers:
I0706 05:48:21.029632   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate
I0706 05:48:21.029637   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
I0706 05:48:21.029652   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     X-Hudson: 1.395
I0706 05:48:21.029657   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     X-Jenkins: 2.121.1
I0706 05:48:21.029663   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     X-Jenkins-Session: 86df52bf
I0706 05:48:21.029668   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Server: Jetty(9.4.z-SNAPSHOT)
I0706 05:48:21.029673   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
I0706 05:48:21.029677   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     X-Hudson-Theme: default
I0706 05:48:21.029681   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID.0f618009=node07cmbl5d9dj4y1nvjus4dap5li33.node0;Path=/;HttpOnly
I0706 05:48:21.029686   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2018 12:48:21 GMT
I0706 05:48:21.029691   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
I0706 05:48:21.029695   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     X-Instance-Identity: MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAldVNd+iX90mzH46u69reLk9FXpjrAIwkYev7KUtb4Au+mVBaBDSXAfHxMUXHkNJCr3I1t8hAlOg3x4x4h1nmn+GZJ+58at20eh7q/w7UKds5VvHrp2tyoll4DScjGPTQW2rrj7/f93wlpVNWYXDNhJG6s/4PWVOy2gmSAlZ+75uqAuvEf1yGkAOepLZkyUwce5DxnjfgIJ6/DOE53EKShxxUUPMMJn6tvzHzRcUG2EbFcBXIXWvQbAkcxCnVUfXJ4ronC8yn44ZudOgiM9hFnbfI1p3T12mx59AON0K9aFirUPXRkI6zIK/3Sbsa1pzhNpiVKvoAkanMzip2putb5wIDAQAB
I0706 05:48:21.029702   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
I0706 05:48:21.030096   48887 request.go:873] Response Body: 

  <!DOCTYPE html><html><head resURL="/static/86df52bf" data-rooturl="" data-resurl="/static/86df52bf">

 <!DOCTYPE html><html><head resURL="/static/86df52bf" data-rooturl="" data-resurl="/static/86df52bf">

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I0706 05:48:21.055509   48887 cached_discovery.go:124] skipped caching discovery info due to yaml: line 11: mapping values are not allowed in this context
I0706 05:48:21.055533   48887 factory_object_mapping.go:93] Unable to retrieve API resources, falling back to hardcoded types: yaml: line 11: mapping values are not allowed in this context
I0706 05:48:21.056384   48887 round_trippers.go:414] GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/nodes?limit=500
I0706 05:48:21.056402   48887 round_trippers.go:421] Request Headers:
I0706 05:48:21.056413   48887 round_trippers.go:424]     Accept: application/json
I0706 05:48:21.056423   48887 round_trippers.go:424]     User-Agent: kubectl/v1.9.2 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/5fa2db2
I0706 05:48:21.056966   48887 round_trippers.go:439] Response Status: 404 Not Found in 0 milliseconds
I0706 05:48:21.056982   48887 round_trippers.go:442] Response Headers:
I0706 05:48:21.056992   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
I0706 05:48:21.057002   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Cache-Control: must-revalidate,no-cache,no-store
I0706 05:48:21.057010   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Content-Length: 0
I0706 05:48:21.057019   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Server: Jetty(9.4.z-SNAPSHOT)
I0706 05:48:21.057027   48887 round_trippers.go:445]     Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2018 12:48:21 GMT
I0706 05:48:21.057055   48887 request.go:873] Response Body: 
I0706 05:48:21.057330   48887 helpers.go:201] server response object: [{
  "metadata": {},
  "status": "Failure",
  "message": "Unable to list \"nodes\": the server could not find the requested resource (get nodes)",
  "reason": "NotFound",
  "details": {
    "kind": "nodes",
    "causes": [
        "reason": "UnexpectedServerResponse"
  "code": 404
F0706 05:48:21.057368   48887 helpers.go:119] Error from server (NotFound): Unable to list "nodes": the server could not find the requested resource (get nodes)

Thanks for your atention!