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Adam Mróz
Adam Mróz

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Advent of Code 2021 - Day 1

Here we go again. New Advent of Code has started today. I plan to take on the challenge and solve all the tasks before Christmas (even if some of them are solved later than the publishing day).

I don’t care that much about my position on the leaderboard. I’m not a competitive programmer, and I don’t stand a chance with someone who practices that, even semi-professionally. That said, I wouldn’t mind getting at least one point ;)

Although I’m tempted to try some new programming language (recently Scala is on my radar) for now I decided to stick to Python. I’m not a Python programmer, so I’m pretty sure my code won’t be idiomatic. Nevertheless, I like to tinker with this language from time to time. The event is a neat way to refresh some knowledge (I didn’t have many chances to work with Python since the last AoC) and possibly learn new stuff.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at today’s solution. The task can be found here, so I won’t copy-paste it.

import fileinput

def parse():
return [int(l) for l in fileinput.input()]

def task1(input):
    previous_depth = None
    total_deeper = 0

    for depth in input:
        if previous_depth and depth > previous_depth:
            total_deeper += 1
        previous_depth = depth

    return total_deeper

def task2(input):
    previous_depth = None
    total_deeper = 0

    triplets = [input[i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(input))]
    for triplet in triplets:
        depth = sum(triplet)

        if previous_depth and depth > previous_depth:
            total_deeper += 1

        previous_depth = depth

    return total_deeper

input = parse()


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Some explanations:

  • fileinput is a neat module that I discovered last year. Makes reading from file or stdin easier.
  • parse() - at first, here I had a loop with appending to the list. List comprehension looks so much better, though. It might be even slightly faster, but I would be careful with giving such opinions. And not that it matters here.
  • task1() - solution for her first task. Very imperative and probably not very pythonic. But does the work. In the loop we need to know the previous depth, so we use the previous_depth variable and compare against it in the loop. When the current value is grater than the previous_depth, we increment the counter. When the loop is done, we’re done too.
  • task2() - task 2 is very similar to the first one, but now we operate on a three-measurement sliding window. A quick and dirty solution, that I had in the first place, is to iterate over range(len(input)) and sum input[i] + input[i + 1] + input[i + 2]. The caveat here is that we can get index out of range, so we need to protect against it. I didn’t like this solution that much and changed it to the list comprehension. It looks much cleaner, but might be slightly harder to grasp by non-python developers.

Today’s ranks: 2694/2855. I didn’t read carefully and made an off-by-one error in the first part. Waiting for the whole minute is a pain, and I think it has significantly worsened my rank.

Let’s see what tomorrow brings!

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