DEV Community

Discussion on: Recoil - an experimental state management library for React apps open-sourced by Facebook

alirezatk73 profile image

So this is Context API without so much context. you would need a bit of boilerplate code to set it up properly refer to Kent c Dodds article =>

Effectively and not to mention the complex Redux. And it has built-in async, which is a plus and prevents unnecessary re-renders of reducers and components and takes it to the next level; however, I hope we can see this idea going through and see what comes up, but I find the selectors a bit confusing. like how we can return a new state in a selector which is dependant on a state in another atom without mutating the initial state

ralexand56 profile image

You can use selectorFamily to pass parameters into your selector get function.

wobsoriano profile image

I think selectors is kinda like computed properties in Vue, what do you think?

alirezatk73 profile image
Alireza • Edited

exactly. It initiates after an atom state is changed and you can do anything with it or can we? like doing an API call?