DEV Community

Domingos Manuel Capitango
Domingos Manuel Capitango

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Operating System(Continuation)



  • Open-Source License (Open Source) - This is the main advantage of Linux, when using an open-source license, it allows it to be used and distributed free of charge, giving also the opportunity to anyone to correct flaws or customize it to your needs. like (something that does not happen with Windows).
  • Almost total virus immunity - As it is an operating system developed by a group of volunteers worldwide, flaws are quickly detected and corrected. High Performance - No matter how old your computer hardware is, Linux easily adapts to it, reducing unnecessary functionality. As it is a fully customizable operating system, the user can also uninstall all the features and programs that he does not use to save resources. Install and Use - With the arrival of Windows 7 the installation delay time has improved a lot, the problem is that after installation it is necessary to install drivers and other things. In Linux this does not happen, speaking from experience, it took me 30 minutes to install Linux on my PC, and after that it was ready to use, I did not need to install drivers.
  • Compatibility - Currently Linux is compatible with almost all types of hardware. Linux can either be installed on a small tablet or it can be installed on a powerful MainFrame.


  • Programs - Although there are already many alternative programs to those used in Windows that do the same, many are not really useful or are not very intuitive. Games - For those who like to play on the computer Linux is a bad idea since most games for Windows are not compatible with Linux.

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